I still can't believe where I was two years ago...
I was lying in the ICU of the University of Utah in a coma. Feeding tube down my throat. EEG wires making my hair look Madusa. Branch playing Christmas music and Frank Sinatra so I could hear it Branch wanted to spend every second he could with me. At night he didn't even leave the hospital, he went down to the burn unit and slept on a wall! Mom brought me a metal Christmas tree for my room. The rest of my family visiting when they could.
Meanwhile, Little Miss got to spend a lot of time playing with her cousins. I think Cedar fell in love with her...She was immediately weaned from breastfeeding and did incredibly well. She was able to go to two Christmas parties and even got to see Santa! Sorry the parties were so somber. My bad!
Before I was there I was really sick. I had woken up 2 weeks previously and preceded to throw up 8 times for the next several hours. I was so sick I took a pregnancy test! The next day I was fine, then started the whole process again. After going to the doctors and crying in the waiting room wanting my mommy, I was told it was an ear infection.
We flew to Utah the next week and made it to Green River, where I saw another doctor who said it was an ear infection. I could still touch my chin to my chest so they didn't think it was meningitis. Then the night of the 18th and morning of the 19th I went downhill. I don't remember much except we were staying downstairs at my sisters house, Little Miss was in the family room and I was throwing up and going in and out of consciousness. Jacob carried me upstairs and put me in the car while Branch sped to the ER at the U of U hospital. I do remember waking up once and telling Branch he was going to fast. That is so like me.
That is the last thing I remember for a couple of days. I am told that my sister Sarah met Branch at the hospital and was able to come back in the room with him, where...she was able to see me in all my glory...Sorry about that. I hope you can get that image out of your head Sarah! I also was told that my mom knew the Director or something like that of the ER, who was able to keep everyone updated and helped speed the process along.
I was put in medically incuded coma from Dec. 19th and was woken up on the 21st. I got to sleep for 3 days! As they were waking me up they had tied my hands to the bed so I wouldn't pull out any tubes or wires, but they didn't know how flexible I was and when no one was around I pulled "a gumby" as they said and took out the feeding tube. Luckily I didn't damage my vocal cords with that stunt! When I was more fully awake I remember being more sad that I missed the 2 family parties then I was about being in the hospital. I also remember I needed to pee and everyone kept telling me I had a catheter and I could just go, but I hate catheters and I really felt like I needed to pee. I think I said that about 50 times in an hour.
So as you know it turns out I had Viral Meningitis. It sucked. I wouldn't recommend it. But the point of this post is I want to point out some of the miracles that happened in this time.
*The fact that we were in Utah near a lot of family when I went downhill. Neither Branch or I had to ever worry about Little Miss.
*That mom knew the lady from the ER and were taken care of really fast at a great medical facility.
*Little Miss, who was only 8 months old at the time, was able to do so well considering.
*My mom fought for me when they were going to put my birthday wrong, which would have severally limited the financial help we were able to receive.
*That it was Viral instead of Bacterial...it could have been so much worse...
Anyway, sorry for some of the details...but they really happened. I have more I want to write about later. Thanks for reading!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
For Branch...
This song is for Branch. I heard it for the first
time the day before we found out we were having a boy...
Brad Paisley - Anything Like Me
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I hate technology sometimes....
I remember when I use to be somewhat technologically knowledgeable. Not anymore. I wanted to post a picture of a letter my Grandpa Johnson received from the White House thanking him for his service during the war...but I can't. I'm a dork. And Branch isn't around to help me. I would do it from our house but I can't figure out why our scanner isn't working...yikes. Anyway. I will post it soon, I guess just not on Veterans Day.
Sorry for that little rant...
Sorry for that little rant...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Grandma's Letters continued.
Oct. 17, 1945
Darling Henderson.
The town is full of hunters you can hardly move downtown. I'll be aso glad when its all over. It makes me so lonesome for you and miss you so darn much more, some times I feel like I couldn't take it, but I will have to won't I. Do you think you'll be back by next hunt?_Oh! honey you just got to be, a year is so long surely they won't keep you away from Bobby and I that long.
Afton is going on the hunt with the Crowd she feels like she can't stand it home and feels like she will be near to Champ if she is with the crowd. They wanted me to go to sleep with her bu I just couldn't (Page 1)
bear it. Its bad enough just staying home but its even worse being around the Gals that have men with them.
Roy and Ethel are here she was pretty nice to Roy the first 3 days but know she's just the same old Ethel. God darning and black b------- Roy all the time". I went down after my milk tonight and Moms so mad at her she didn't know whether she can stand her two weeks or not.
Howard says he'll get me a dear if he does I'll bottle it and have it when you come home. Ever thing I do or plan is for when "My darling comes home". I'm making us a new treasure and have quite a lot of nice things in it already.
Honey every night this time I get the (grandes) song pro- (page 2)
grahm and every night I hear tunes that remind me of you. Tonight they sang-
Darling Henderson.
The town is full of hunters you can hardly move downtown. I'll be aso glad when its all over. It makes me so lonesome for you and miss you so darn much more, some times I feel like I couldn't take it, but I will have to won't I. Do you think you'll be back by next hunt?_Oh! honey you just got to be, a year is so long surely they won't keep you away from Bobby and I that long.
Afton is going on the hunt with the Crowd she feels like she can't stand it home and feels like she will be near to Champ if she is with the crowd. They wanted me to go to sleep with her bu I just couldn't (Page 1)
bear it. Its bad enough just staying home but its even worse being around the Gals that have men with them.
Roy and Ethel are here she was pretty nice to Roy the first 3 days but know she's just the same old Ethel. God darning and black b------- Roy all the time". I went down after my milk tonight and Moms so mad at her she didn't know whether she can stand her two weeks or not.
Howard says he'll get me a dear if he does I'll bottle it and have it when you come home. Ever thing I do or plan is for when "My darling comes home". I'm making us a new treasure and have quite a lot of nice things in it already.
Honey every night this time I get the (grandes) song pro- (page 2)
grahm and every night I hear tunes that remind me of you. Tonight they sang-
"I'll walk alone,
and I'll be lonely;
But I won't mind,
being lonely-
I know that you;
are lonely too.
and I'll be lonely;
But I won't mind,
being lonely-
I know that you;
are lonely too.
Mrs. Whittiker died last night. Im surely going to miss her she has been up her to Allens since two weeks after we moved up here. She's never been out of bed for 27 months maybe its best she should go rather than suffer.
Good Night Sweetheart, God Bless you always and send you home soon.
Yours forever
Metta & Bobby
Good Night Sweetheart, God Bless you always and send you home soon.
Yours forever
Metta & Bobby
Monday, October 25, 2010
We had a really good lesson on genealogy yesterday. It wasn't the lesson were we are told we have to submit names and do research but that sometimes genealogy is talking to and getting to know those around you. It made me think of my grandparents and so today I am going to post a letter my Grandma Johnson wrote to my Grandpa Johnson during WWII. Grandpa Henderson served on the S.S. Central Falls Victory. Grandpa Bob is just barely 2 years old at the time.
*I tried to stay as true to the letter as possible, including spelling errors, punctuation and the like.
Dearest Sweetheart:
Received another letter from you again it surely seems good to have them coming pretty regular. I'm so sorry me dear that you aren't getting my letters because I have written so many some times I even write you too in one day-I hope you can read this Bobby thinks his helping me. Gee! he's so sweet honey-still gaining weight and getting fatter and cuter every day. Little Mary took him down town in the truck today she weighed him and says he weighs 30 lbs and 4 oz. he only weighed about 26 when you were home. You know much better 15 lbs made your look well what do you think 4 1/2 lbs have done to (Bobby). he really looks good. (page 1)
he and I surely miss you sweetheart we talk about you all the time. I really don't think (Bobby) will ever forget you. He says when you come home your not going in the army anymore- shut up ole Army- I hope your never hae to leave us dear again we have missed you so darn much and love you so.
I got (Bobby) a snow suit the other day-two friend. Brown and does he ever look like a sweet-just like a big fat teddy bear.
Mom and Dad are talking of going to California right after Christmas and staying until March. They will go to Inglewood up by L.A. Mrs. Beckstroms moms friend has a small cottage to rend and she wrote mom she would have one empty the 3rd of January. Maybe its just talk but I'd surely like to see them go. Mom doesn't look so well dear it sorta scares me.
Bobby and are swell. I've gained about 7 lbs. But I told you I would if I quit-Good Night darling God Bless you.
Metta x Bobby (page 2)
*I tried to stay as true to the letter as possible, including spelling errors, punctuation and the like.
November 11, 1945Dearest Sweetheart:
Received another letter from you again it surely seems good to have them coming pretty regular. I'm so sorry me dear that you aren't getting my letters because I have written so many some times I even write you too in one day-I hope you can read this Bobby thinks his helping me. Gee! he's so sweet honey-still gaining weight and getting fatter and cuter every day. Little Mary took him down town in the truck today she weighed him and says he weighs 30 lbs and 4 oz. he only weighed about 26 when you were home. You know much better 15 lbs made your look well what do you think 4 1/2 lbs have done to (Bobby). he really looks good. (page 1)
he and I surely miss you sweetheart we talk about you all the time. I really don't think (Bobby) will ever forget you. He says when you come home your not going in the army anymore- shut up ole Army- I hope your never hae to leave us dear again we have missed you so darn much and love you so.
I got (Bobby) a snow suit the other day-two friend. Brown and does he ever look like a sweet-just like a big fat teddy bear.
Mom and Dad are talking of going to California right after Christmas and staying until March. They will go to Inglewood up by L.A. Mrs. Beckstroms moms friend has a small cottage to rend and she wrote mom she would have one empty the 3rd of January. Maybe its just talk but I'd surely like to see them go. Mom doesn't look so well dear it sorta scares me.
Bobby and are swell. I've gained about 7 lbs. But I told you I would if I quit-Good Night darling God Bless you.
Metta x Bobby (page 2)
I am going to try to post a new letter a week. Let me know what you think.
Also, to grandkids and great-grandkids of Edna and Leo here is your assignment...
I would like you to come up with one question from each of the family members that you would like to know about Grandma and Grandpa Loveridge. Please send those questions to my email or post them one the comments section. Thank you!!
I am going to try to post a new letter a week. Let me know what you think.
Also, to grandkids and great-grandkids of Edna and Leo here is your assignment...
I would like you to come up with one question from each of the family members that you would like to know about Grandma and Grandpa Loveridge. Please send those questions to my email or post them one the comments section. Thank you!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pregnancy Update
Well I still can't believe I am pregnant. It feels different this time. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I am not working, and I am chasing after a two and half year old. So I am busy, just different busy.
So, I am now 15 weeks. I am almost half way through with this! CRAZY!!
I went to the doctors today. Little Miss came with me because Branch was unable too. It went well(ish). My thyroid was a little low apparently but she isn't worried and will check it next time. My doctors name is Dr. Andrea Hebert (said A-bear). I like her a lot. She is no nonsense which I need and I think she looks a lot like Julie, my sister-in-law. We got to hear the heartbeat today too. It is going strong. It was nice to hear the confirmation again, especially since we haven't felt the baby moving yet, though I am looking more and more pregnant. Though I still feel like I just look fat...sigh... I also lost a little bit of weight which is weird because I haven't had bad morning sickness. I just need to do better and eat more.
We also found out that we will hopefully find out the sex of the baby on November 24, which is the day before Thanksgiving! What an awesome thing to celebrate! We definitely are going to make sure Branch and Little Miss are there for that big appointment!
So, I am now 15 weeks. I am almost half way through with this! CRAZY!!
I went to the doctors today. Little Miss came with me because Branch was unable too. It went well(ish). My thyroid was a little low apparently but she isn't worried and will check it next time. My doctors name is Dr. Andrea Hebert (said A-bear). I like her a lot. She is no nonsense which I need and I think she looks a lot like Julie, my sister-in-law. We got to hear the heartbeat today too. It is going strong. It was nice to hear the confirmation again, especially since we haven't felt the baby moving yet, though I am looking more and more pregnant. Though I still feel like I just look fat...sigh... I also lost a little bit of weight which is weird because I haven't had bad morning sickness. I just need to do better and eat more.
We also found out that we will hopefully find out the sex of the baby on November 24, which is the day before Thanksgiving! What an awesome thing to celebrate! We definitely are going to make sure Branch and Little Miss are there for that big appointment!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Everyone who knows me knows that I HATE PICKLES.

I think they look gross, smell gross, sound gross and worse of all, taste really gross.
Last month I was sitting in Relief Society and all of a sudden for a split second a pickle sounded so good. Like really good. Then it was gone.
My eyes got really big for a minute and I thought..."Can it be? No that is to cliche!"
Later that week it turned out it wasn't too cliche.

The baby is due in April, which would make the Big Sister and the soybean almost exactly 3 years apart!
We are so excited for our new adventure!
PS-Pickles still are gross. It literally was only for a second that that sound good. Also, chocolate doesn't sound so good with this pregnancy. How weird is that?
I think they look gross, smell gross, sound gross and worse of all, taste really gross.
Last month I was sitting in Relief Society and all of a sudden for a split second a pickle sounded so good. Like really good. Then it was gone.
My eyes got really big for a minute and I thought..."Can it be? No that is to cliche!"
Later that week it turned out it wasn't too cliche.

The baby is due in April, which would make the Big Sister and the soybean almost exactly 3 years apart!
We are so excited for our new adventure!
PS-Pickles still are gross. It literally was only for a second that that sound good. Also, chocolate doesn't sound so good with this pregnancy. How weird is that?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Just Ask Emily-Kami's question
What is your most embarrassing moment?
What is my most embarrassing moment? Ha! I have tons!!
There were a couple recently when I was sick with Meningitis and was in the hospital. One (that I don't remember) but if I did I would be embarrassed. Apparently, they told me that I needed to have a catheter put in and I yelled "NOOOOOOOO!!! Not a catheter!" So loud that Branch and others down the hall could hear me. Actually that is funny.
Another was when I was in the ICU, or I think it was the ICU, after getting out of a coma, I had an EGG on my head to measure my brain waves so I looked funny, and they were also monitering me on video. The video was facing towards me to see what my seizures looked like, if I had one. They decided to take out my catheter (maybe it was the one I DIDN'T want in?) and started to lift my sheets to take it out, when all of a sudden we heard someone running down the hall yelling "SHE'S ON CAMERA!" . I think I would have been more embarrassed if I hadn't been so out of it.
Another, and this IS embarrassing was when I was driving from SLC back home to Green River, Wyoming. If I had to use the bathroom I would usually stop in Evanston but I didn't that drive until I was about to TA. TA is about half an hour from the Lyman exit, if even that. But I had to GO. Number 2. Really bad. Anyway, apparently I had to go so bad that I didn't read the sign that was on the stall door...I did my business got up to flush and nothing. Tried again and again. Now during this time I had heard people come and go and some of them even snickered. I didn't know who they were laughing at. Finally, I waited until there was no one in the bathroom. Opened the stall door and FINALLY saw the BIG sign that said "OUT OF ORDER." Great... I snuck out of there and didn't go back for a long time until I absolutely had to. I was in and out of there in a minute flat. I didn't want anyone to recognize me. I have a big fear that they have one of those grainy images of me hanging in the office saying "BAD PERSON! DON'T LET HER USE THE BATHROOM HERE!!"
Those are just three of my many examples of my most embarrassing moments. I have lots. Usually they are little. I embarrass myself at least once a week. It's how I do. I am not ashamed, or embarrassed to admit it.
My question for Kami:
How do you feel about having a second child? What are your feelings? How are you preparing yourself and your husband and son?
What is my most embarrassing moment? Ha! I have tons!!
There were a couple recently when I was sick with Meningitis and was in the hospital. One (that I don't remember) but if I did I would be embarrassed. Apparently, they told me that I needed to have a catheter put in and I yelled "NOOOOOOOO!!! Not a catheter!" So loud that Branch and others down the hall could hear me. Actually that is funny.
Another was when I was in the ICU, or I think it was the ICU, after getting out of a coma, I had an EGG on my head to measure my brain waves so I looked funny, and they were also monitering me on video. The video was facing towards me to see what my seizures looked like, if I had one. They decided to take out my catheter (maybe it was the one I DIDN'T want in?) and started to lift my sheets to take it out, when all of a sudden we heard someone running down the hall yelling "SHE'S ON CAMERA!" . I think I would have been more embarrassed if I hadn't been so out of it.
Another, and this IS embarrassing was when I was driving from SLC back home to Green River, Wyoming. If I had to use the bathroom I would usually stop in Evanston but I didn't that drive until I was about to TA. TA is about half an hour from the Lyman exit, if even that. But I had to GO. Number 2. Really bad. Anyway, apparently I had to go so bad that I didn't read the sign that was on the stall door...I did my business got up to flush and nothing. Tried again and again. Now during this time I had heard people come and go and some of them even snickered. I didn't know who they were laughing at. Finally, I waited until there was no one in the bathroom. Opened the stall door and FINALLY saw the BIG sign that said "OUT OF ORDER." Great... I snuck out of there and didn't go back for a long time until I absolutely had to. I was in and out of there in a minute flat. I didn't want anyone to recognize me. I have a big fear that they have one of those grainy images of me hanging in the office saying "BAD PERSON! DON'T LET HER USE THE BATHROOM HERE!!"
Those are just three of my many examples of my most embarrassing moments. I have lots. Usually they are little. I embarrass myself at least once a week. It's how I do. I am not ashamed, or embarrassed to admit it.
My question for Kami:
How do you feel about having a second child? What are your feelings? How are you preparing yourself and your husband and son?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Just Ask...Emily?
So my sister in Law Julie had a thing on her blog where she invited others to ask her any question(s) about (almost) anything in her life. Now one of her friends decided to do it to. So since I am a follower I decided to follow suit...
There are rules though...
1. You can ask any question you want and I will answer it. But I then get to ask YOU any question that you must answer on your blog...or facebook...or just email me.
2. I am a horrible writer if you haven't figure it already so don't expect greatness or poetry.
3. I think their is something else...can't remember...aah whatevs.
Loves & Rockets,
There are rules though...
1. You can ask any question you want and I will answer it. But I then get to ask YOU any question that you must answer on your blog...or facebook...or just email me.
2. I am a horrible writer if you haven't figure it already so don't expect greatness or poetry.
3. I think their is something else...can't remember...aah whatevs.
Loves & Rockets,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Some more pictures!
Take me out the ballgame...
Branch's brother Regan came home from his mission to Torreon Mexico in June and he was suprised with a Red Sox game in Colorado. This family LOVES the Red Sox. I mean they really love the Red Sox....
Some pictures...
I know I suck as a blogger...
So we went camping this last weekend in the Tetons.
I am not ling when i said to people that I was not excited about camping. Last time Little Miss staye away from home it was...horrible.
But she loved it. She loved being dirty. She loved the bugs...mostly. She slept pretty good to. So here are some pictures.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
Today, Branch celebrated his 3rd Father's Day. He got to sleep in, open one of his presents (a gift certificate for his new tabletop grill) and then after we went to church...he cooked his own Father's Day dinner...
It was yummy.
It was yummy.

Here are two other wonderful
fathers who have meant so much to us.
Thank you Grandpa Bob and Grandpa Mont!
**Sorry the pictures are from when she was
a baby. That's all I have saved on this
computer and I am too lazy to
do anything else about it :)**
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mother's Day

Grandma Loveridge, Me, Mom, Grandma Johnson, July 1982
This is a picture of 3 of the most
important women in my life.
I don't know how to properly put into words
the love and respect I have
for these wonderful women.
They have taught me so much.
I don't think I can ever thank them enough.
Branch, Me, Little Miss, Becky, Mont
April 2008
Becky, thank you so much for your
wonderful son. You're such
a great example to me about
what a mother is.
All I can say is:

Happy Mother's Day
Grandma Loveridge, Me, Mom, Grandma Johnson
July 1982
This is a picture of 3 of the most important women in my life.
I don't know how to properly put into words the love and respect I have
for these wonderful women. They have taught me so much.
I don't think I can ever thank them enough.
All I can say is:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Child's Prayer
I have had an amazing experience this morning. One that has already taught me a lot and made my heart swell.
I had prepared breakfast this morning. By preparing I mean I poured the cereal into our bowls. As I was walking to Little Misses high chair and said "Do you want to say the prayer?" Lately, she has been having a hard time with the prayer and chooses to lay her head down in exasperation. But before I could even sit down she started the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard.
I had prepared breakfast this morning. By preparing I mean I poured the cereal into our bowls. As I was walking to Little Misses high chair and said "Do you want to say the prayer?" Lately, she has been having a hard time with the prayer and chooses to lay her head down in exasperation. But before I could even sit down she started the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard.
"Heavenly Father,
Thank you day.
Bless Mommy.
Bless Daddy.
Bless our bodies.
Say these things.
Name of Jesus.
Thank you day.
Bless Mommy.
Bless Daddy.
Bless our bodies.
Say these things.
Name of Jesus.
I looked up with tears in my eyes at the beauty and sincerity of her 2 year old prayer.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of mother I am. Am I teaching her everything she needs to know? Are Branch and I teaching her about her Heavenly Father who loves her.
So today I feel pretty good. She is doing great.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of mother I am. Am I teaching her everything she needs to know? Are Branch and I teaching her about her Heavenly Father who loves her.
So today I feel pretty good. She is doing great.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Things I want for my daughter....
Little Miss,
I can't believe that 2 years ago you came into our lives! What a blessing and a surprise. You have made my life so full of happiness (and worry) and love and the best things in life.
I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want for you in your life:
I can't believe that 2 years ago you came into our lives! What a blessing and a surprise. You have made my life so full of happiness (and worry) and love and the best things in life.
I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want for you in your life:
I want you to play one sport well.
Or not and that is ok.

...to do the full push-up.
...to know how to do your hair.

...to always have a sense of humor.

...to play an instrument or sing.

... to run through the sprinklers.
...to use every sticker.

...to color every page.
..read the good books.

...have amazing friends.

...to always question.

...to love math and science.
...to stay strong in your faith..

...to always kiss your father and I good night
...to not get in too much trouble.

...to be a good big sister someday.
...to serve a mission...or not...

...to not be afraid of roller coasters.
...to find someone like your daddy.

...to do something you love.
(Ok, so I tried to find a picture that matches every saying, but I couldn't...so some match but some don't...oh well)
Or not and that is ok.

...to do the full push-up.
...to know how to do your hair.

...to always have a sense of humor.

...to play an instrument or sing.

... to run through the sprinklers.
...to use every sticker.

...to color every page.
..read the good books.

...have amazing friends.

...to always question.

...to love math and science.
...to stay strong in your faith..

...to always kiss your father and I good night
...to not get in too much trouble.

...to be a good big sister someday.
...to serve a mission...or not...

...to not be afraid of roller coasters.
...to find someone like your daddy.

...to do something you love.
There are a million things your father and I want for you but mostly we want you to know we LOVE YOU with all our hearts. We want you to be happy, because you have made us so happy!
Happy 2nd birthday, our beautiful girl.
Mom and Dad
Happy 2nd birthday, our beautiful girl.
Mom and Dad
(Ok, so I tried to find a picture that matches every saying, but I couldn't...so some match but some don't...oh well)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sickness sucks.
Little Miss was really sick this last Saturday night. We are talking throwing up 12 time in one night. Poor girl. But I have to say there were some cute moments when she would throw up into the bowl and start shaking her head and saying "Nope...noooooo.....nope" or how she called them "Big Burps" because she would burp first. It really was scary because she didn't eat anything for almost 3 days and getting her to stay hydrated was like pulling teeth. I am glad that she loves ice chips so she at least would eat. I was so worried she would get dehydrated and would need to go to the hospital.
Well, not that she is all better...guess what....
Branch woke up last night and proceeded to clear out his stomach. He even called in sick this morning. He hates to call in sick.
And me...well, lets say yesterday Little Miss watched a LOT of TV while I sat mowning on the couch, or playing in her room while i mowned on her chair. Today I actually feel better but I have used the bathroom today more then I did last week! I just feel glad that while I don't feel good I feel well enough to take care of my sicko hubby and beautiful full-of-life-even-though-she-didn't-fall-asleep-until-late-and-woke-up-early-and-probably-won't-take-a-nap daughter
And Little Miss is of course feeling great and is going to be running circles around us today.
Heaven Help Us!!
Little Miss was really sick this last Saturday night. We are talking throwing up 12 time in one night. Poor girl. But I have to say there were some cute moments when she would throw up into the bowl and start shaking her head and saying "Nope...noooooo.....nope" or how she called them "Big Burps" because she would burp first. It really was scary because she didn't eat anything for almost 3 days and getting her to stay hydrated was like pulling teeth. I am glad that she loves ice chips so she at least would eat. I was so worried she would get dehydrated and would need to go to the hospital.
Well, not that she is all better...guess what....
Branch woke up last night and proceeded to clear out his stomach. He even called in sick this morning. He hates to call in sick.
And me...well, lets say yesterday Little Miss watched a LOT of TV while I sat mowning on the couch, or playing in her room while i mowned on her chair. Today I actually feel better but I have used the bathroom today more then I did last week! I just feel glad that while I don't feel good I feel well enough to take care of my sicko hubby and beautiful full-of-life-even-though-she-didn't-fall-asleep-until-late-and-woke-up-early-and-probably-won't-take-a-nap daughter
And Little Miss is of course feeling great and is going to be running circles around us today.
Heaven Help Us!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
JAJ Response
This is my response to your question (sorry it took forever!)
Julie asked: Can you share your money saving secrets? Once you said you were going to do multiple posts about couponing. I got the paper and clipped ads for 6 months and I felt like I didn't save anything, and if I used coupons I would end up with a pantry full of boxed snacks and nothing more, so I quit. Since I consider you to be better than most people at stretching a dollar, I would like to hear your best secrets to frugal living. What are your favorite freebies? Where do you find the best deals?
I had a good friend in Texas try to teach me but I wasn't getting it. I felt like you. I was getting cheap snacks and nothing else. One day I googled couponing and a couple other words and I found this website on Michael and Mickenzies blog. It is called thekrazycouponlady.com. GO THERE. Look around.
If you REALLY want to save money read their "10 days to become a krazy coupon lady" they says everything I know about couponing. For example the 2nd day they talk about newspaper subscriptions and internet coupons. Did you know you can print coupons from your computer? You learn couponiing lingo and saving strategies.
So first, read that. YOU WILL LEARN A LOT!!
Second....Bookmark this page. One of the great things about this website is that it gives scenarios of what to buy and what coupons to use to maximize your savings.
Have you looked around it yet? Do that then come back and finish reading my post....
Alright. Good. Isn't it an amazing easy to use site?
Now what you need to do is to google "couponing" and other catch phrases and find a couple of websites that help you and that fit your needs. (Then share them with me!!)
Some more of my tips...
***When you eat out you need to use coupons. There are always coupons for restaurants that you may frequent. Look for them in your newspaper and your coupon books...Also, we also try restaurants that we wouldn't try otherwise because we might didn't know about them and are given a good deal. Try restaurant.com. You can regularly buy gift certificates for 70% to 80% off. That is you can buy a $25 dollars gc for $2!
***I know you HATE thriftstores but they are a GREAT way to save money. On Saturday Branch and I bought Little Miss her birthday gift (I will post pictures of it later). The toy we got her retails for $150 dollars. We bought ours for $4o. Brand new with a only a little problem we have to fix but SO WORTH IT! She has a lot of nice brand name clothing I spent $1-$4 one. I already have a large collection of 3T clothing for her- at least 10 pants and 20 or more shirt I have probably only spent $15. Most of them brand new! The saving in shoes alone has saved us a months rent at least!
Me, I have recently bought two new (to me) pair of pants at D.I. and I spent $8. This included a abercrombie and fitch pants that retailed around $80! Branch is really hard on his pants and shirts at work so we get $4 pants and $3 shirts for him pretty regularly.
We also buy other products at thrift stores too. Look around and you can find some amazing things that you can save money on.
Give it a try. (Just wash it when you get home)
***Garage sales. You can barter for the things. How cool is that!!
***Find a couponing friend. Someone that can help you that you can talk to and may even be able to take turns when you go shopping
***Look around before buying anything over $50. I am still learning about looking around but sometimes that save TONS!
All right that is all I can think of right now. Let me know what you think.
How about you other bloggers. What are your saving tips?
This is my response to your question (sorry it took forever!)
Julie asked: Can you share your money saving secrets? Once you said you were going to do multiple posts about couponing. I got the paper and clipped ads for 6 months and I felt like I didn't save anything, and if I used coupons I would end up with a pantry full of boxed snacks and nothing more, so I quit. Since I consider you to be better than most people at stretching a dollar, I would like to hear your best secrets to frugal living. What are your favorite freebies? Where do you find the best deals?
I had a good friend in Texas try to teach me but I wasn't getting it. I felt like you. I was getting cheap snacks and nothing else. One day I googled couponing and a couple other words and I found this website on Michael and Mickenzies blog. It is called thekrazycouponlady.com. GO THERE. Look around.
If you REALLY want to save money read their "10 days to become a krazy coupon lady" they says everything I know about couponing. For example the 2nd day they talk about newspaper subscriptions and internet coupons. Did you know you can print coupons from your computer? You learn couponiing lingo and saving strategies.
So first, read that. YOU WILL LEARN A LOT!!
Second....Bookmark this page. One of the great things about this website is that it gives scenarios of what to buy and what coupons to use to maximize your savings.
Have you looked around it yet? Do that then come back and finish reading my post....
Alright. Good. Isn't it an amazing easy to use site?
Now what you need to do is to google "couponing" and other catch phrases and find a couple of websites that help you and that fit your needs. (Then share them with me!!)
Some more of my tips...
***When you eat out you need to use coupons. There are always coupons for restaurants that you may frequent. Look for them in your newspaper and your coupon books...Also, we also try restaurants that we wouldn't try otherwise because we might didn't know about them and are given a good deal. Try restaurant.com. You can regularly buy gift certificates for 70% to 80% off. That is you can buy a $25 dollars gc for $2!
***I know you HATE thriftstores but they are a GREAT way to save money. On Saturday Branch and I bought Little Miss her birthday gift (I will post pictures of it later). The toy we got her retails for $150 dollars. We bought ours for $4o. Brand new with a only a little problem we have to fix but SO WORTH IT! She has a lot of nice brand name clothing I spent $1-$4 one. I already have a large collection of 3T clothing for her- at least 10 pants and 20 or more shirt I have probably only spent $15. Most of them brand new! The saving in shoes alone has saved us a months rent at least!
Me, I have recently bought two new (to me) pair of pants at D.I. and I spent $8. This included a abercrombie and fitch pants that retailed around $80! Branch is really hard on his pants and shirts at work so we get $4 pants and $3 shirts for him pretty regularly.
We also buy other products at thrift stores too. Look around and you can find some amazing things that you can save money on.
Give it a try. (Just wash it when you get home)
***Garage sales. You can barter for the things. How cool is that!!
***Find a couponing friend. Someone that can help you that you can talk to and may even be able to take turns when you go shopping
***Look around before buying anything over $50. I am still learning about looking around but sometimes that save TONS!
All right that is all I can think of right now. Let me know what you think.
How about you other bloggers. What are your saving tips?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What a crazy couple of months.
Car was in accident but now fixed and it's beautiful.
Computer crashed and now fixed and it's still slow.
Other computer needs a new fan, working on that.
Branch was in Reno for 6 days, didn't have fun, but learned a lot.
Little Miss enjoys nursery now!!
Dad has a really big kidney stone, been in pain for last 10 days. Tomorrow he is having surgery to break up the stone, but still has to pass those. Poor guy.
The Olympics started. I really only enjoyed the winter Olympics when they were here in SLC, and I got to see TWO Olympic events! Maybe I will enjoy it more when figure skating comes on. Who doesn't love figure skating.
I promise you Julie I will write my post in response to you! I WILL!!
Branch and Little Miss are sick right now. Poor guys! L, J, and E are also sick! Not fun!!
Alright well anyway...
Car was in accident but now fixed and it's beautiful.
Computer crashed and now fixed and it's still slow.
Other computer needs a new fan, working on that.
Branch was in Reno for 6 days, didn't have fun, but learned a lot.
Little Miss enjoys nursery now!!
Dad has a really big kidney stone, been in pain for last 10 days. Tomorrow he is having surgery to break up the stone, but still has to pass those. Poor guy.
The Olympics started. I really only enjoyed the winter Olympics when they were here in SLC, and I got to see TWO Olympic events! Maybe I will enjoy it more when figure skating comes on. Who doesn't love figure skating.
I promise you Julie I will write my post in response to you! I WILL!!
Branch and Little Miss are sick right now. Poor guys! L, J, and E are also sick! Not fun!!
Alright well anyway...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Then watch for this girl...
I was a leader in the young womens presidency when Anna was there. She is an amazing Young Woman!
I am so incredibly proud of Anna. I always thought she had an amazing head on her shoulder. She always knew who she was. And now she is competing for the title of Miss America.
I always thought the pageant, while fun to make believe, was never something attainable and the girls always seemed too perfect. Anna kind of changed my perspective a lot. Anna really is beautiful. She really is smart (she wants a doctorate in English!!) She really is a good person. If anyone deserves this title it is her. Go TEAM ANNA!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
This month has been crazy and I really have wanted to blog about it but...we have been traveling a lot (well home to Green River) and I don't blog when I am traveling because it is too hard.
Then last week we got in another accident. It wasn't as bad as last time. The driver that rear-ended us was texting and driving. We actually were stopped at the stoplight on 53 and State in Murray, he was texting and saw traffic on his left start to go and heard a honk and rammed right into us. Thankfully Little Miss and I are ok and the gentlemen has insurance so they are going to fix the $4000 or so worth of damage. It is frustrating though because 2 accidents in 2 months and both of the guys names were David!!!
Then when I was in GR registering the car that would get hit the next day....Branch accidentally downloaded a worm on our computer when he opened an email from a friend so we had to send our computer out to be fixed.
Now, Branch is preparing to go to Reno for education week for his job. We sure are going to miss him.
So craziness...
Then last week we got in another accident. It wasn't as bad as last time. The driver that rear-ended us was texting and driving. We actually were stopped at the stoplight on 53 and State in Murray, he was texting and saw traffic on his left start to go and heard a honk and rammed right into us. Thankfully Little Miss and I are ok and the gentlemen has insurance so they are going to fix the $4000 or so worth of damage. It is frustrating though because 2 accidents in 2 months and both of the guys names were David!!!
Then when I was in GR registering the car that would get hit the next day....Branch accidentally downloaded a worm on our computer when he opened an email from a friend so we had to send our computer out to be fixed.
Now, Branch is preparing to go to Reno for education week for his job. We sure are going to miss him.
So craziness...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Six years ago I married the man of my dreams!

Branch, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for Little Miss.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you for you!
We went to see Avatar in 3D on Saturday
to celebrate our anniversary, then we
went to eat at Red Robins (Red Lobster was TOO full!)


Branch, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for Little Miss.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you for you!
We went to see Avatar in 3D on Saturday
to celebrate our anniversary, then we
went to eat at Red Robins (Red Lobster was TOO full!)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Silly Faces
Little Miss spent New Years in Wyoming with her grandparents.
She had a lot of fun. Part of her fun is making silly faces.
The first four pictures are with her face pressed against a glass, then
her showing her Happy and You Know-It face,
and the last one is of her smiling in her car seat.
(This one is my favorite)
The first four pictures are with her face pressed against a glass, then
her showing her Happy and You Know-It face,
and the last one is of her smiling in her car seat.
(This one is my favorite)
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