Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Child's Prayer

I have had an amazing experience this morning. One that has already taught me a lot and made my heart swell.

I had prepared breakfast this morning. By preparing I mean I poured the cereal into our bowls. As I was walking to Little Misses high chair and said "Do you want to say the prayer?" Lately, she has been having a hard time with the prayer and chooses to lay her head down in exasperation. But before I could even sit down she started the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard.

"Heavenly Father,
Thank you day.
Bless Mommy.
Bless Daddy.
Bless our bodies.
Say these things.
Name of Jesus.

I looked up with tears in my eyes at the beauty and sincerity of her 2 year old prayer.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of mother I am. Am I teaching her everything she needs to know? Are Branch and I teaching her about her Heavenly Father who loves her.

So today I feel pretty good. She is doing great.


Necha said...

I had this exact same experience, and it made me feel the exact same way! Seriously! I could have written this! lol. It was a few years ago, and I just felt like a good mom...proof that we are teaching our children something good. :)

Brooke Carroll said...

That is so awesome! Mersadie has been trying to say the prayer too, and it's cute because of how innocent and sincere they are. It does make you want to cry...but in a good way :) And thanks for the comment, you are really sweet! :)

baodad said...

Thank you for sharing this heart-warming experience. I'd have to say that hearing a child's first sincere prayer is as special as watching them take their first steps. Perhaps even more so, from an eternal perspective.

Julie L said...

This is so sweet, Emily. I saw your post on Facebook, but hearing the actual context is so much more. "And a little child shall lead them." I think God sends us children to teach us in ways we cannot be taught in any other avenue. Humility is at the top of that list. How can one be around these little miracles without being humbled?

Krystle Ricks said...

THAT IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!! Sometimes it's nice to get those little reminders that we aren't massacre-ing (is that a word?!?!) the lives of our poor innocent children!

Krystle Ricks said...

THAT IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!! Sometimes it's nice to get those little reminders that we aren't massacre-ing (is that a word?!?!) the lives of our poor innocent children!