Friday, January 29, 2010


Can you do me a favor tomorrow and watch the MISS AMERICA pageant tomorrow on TLC.

Then watch for this girl...

I was a leader in the young womens presidency when Anna was there. She is an amazing Young Woman!

I am so incredibly proud of Anna. I always thought she had an amazing head on her shoulder. She always knew who she was. And now she is competing for the title of Miss America.

I always thought the pageant, while fun to make believe, was never something attainable and the girls always seemed too perfect. Anna kind of changed my perspective a lot. Anna really is beautiful. She really is smart (she wants a doctorate in English!!) She really is a good person. If anyone deserves this title it is her. Go TEAM ANNA!


Kami said...

Did you go to High School with her? That's cool!

Emily said...

Man she didn't win but she still did an amazing job! Way to go Anna!