One of my favorite family traditions was that every Christmas we would go over to the hill that we would sled on, get some dirt, come home and make luminaries. I loved doing that because the whole neighborhood would do it at the same time, then that night we would go around town and look at all of the them. There were some neighborhoods that really got into it! I loved it because we always did it together as a family. I also loved that we would eat clam chowder by candlelight. I actually didn't mind setting the table for that dinner. Another that I started with dad is that we always watch "White Christmas". Funny that all my favorite traditions are Christmas related. No wonder I love Christmas so much!
Branch and I have a couple of traditions that we have started. The first is that for Halloween every year we go to dinner and a movie. In our full costumes! It is so fun to see others reaction to use in our Halloween attire. Last year we were going to be mummy's, but that didn't work out so we dressed as zombies. I can't wait to include Maya in our tradition this year.

Another tradition we love is for Christmas. We buy the cheap $1 stockings, and fun decorations, then we decorate the stocking for each other. We like to see who does the best stocking. Branch always wins. I think I am going to let him decorate Maya's stocking this year.
I am so bummed that no one else posted. Oh well, I had fun with it. Thanks for the good idea. And maybe we should just boycott the rest of the families' blogs. Just kiding. I was just so excited to read their responses.
So your journal jar is a great idea! I always feel like I have nothing to write about too! Did you make up the questions or did you find them on a website? A while back, I bought a three ring binder and some page protectors, and I print my blogs and put them in the binder as a "Journal". It preserves what you write AND it works as a journal! So, that was my idea! Anyway, Maya is so beautiful! I wish we had money so we could come visit! I want to meet her! And I miss you guys!!! But just so you know, Barry and I in the process of trying to buy a house!!! They raised our rent by $100 bucks here! So we are basically paying a mortgage, and we found a very small two bedroom cute house that is cheaper than our rent so we decided that that was a better idea! So we'll let you know whether or not the owners take our bid! That's it. And I love your Haloween tradition! I can't wait to see what you all dress up as this year! Barry is going to be a knight, I'm a princess, and Grayson is a dragon! YEAH!
oooooooh! My very VERY VERY favorite time is Halloween! This year GraceAnne will be Pooh, Violet is the Hunny Pot and Allan will be Christopher Robin. We always do Trunk or Treat at the church and Fall Festival here in town. We also started a tradition a few years back of making apple butter. Last year's batch was crappy because--who knew--apple trees don't grow in the DFW area, so I used store-bought applesauce, but this year we're going to Lubbock to an orchard to get fresh apples again! MMMMMMMMM I love October! :)
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