Thursday, October 9, 2008


Name a book you love and why?

I actually thought this was going to be an easy question and today will we were at the Texas State Fair (not really that impressed), I kept thinking about it. Finally I think I have come up with the books that mean a lot to me.

The first is "Go Forward with Faith: The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley" It is a wonderful book about a wonderful man. It rminds me that these men of God are also human, and have human experiences. I loved reading about his life, especially to see how he progressed in the gospel with such humility. I can't wait to read the biography of Thomas S. Monson!

Another book that I love is "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokow. This Greatest Generation sacrificed so much for me. It is so awe inspiring to read of these people that risked all they had for their country and for our future. We are so lucky to have these men and women in our life.

The book I love that I never read that I love is Jane Eyre. I have it, I've seen a couple of interpretations of it in movie and play form, just haven't read it. Jane, Rochester, Ms. Poole. I have decided I am going to read it before I read the next Twilight book.

As I write this I am also watching Little Miss eat her favorite book called "My First Book" I tried it. It is yummy!

1 comment:

Seth and Julie said...

Go Forward with Faith had a lot to do with me gaining a testimony. I love that book. It is a funny story and I will have to tell you it sometime if you don't already know it. I know I told the story to Sarah, Jonathon and Louise in Tennessee. We all had a nice long talk about how and when we knew the church was true.