Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm weird but so are you

I've been tagged again...Basically I have to write about 7 of my biggest quirks. Have fun reading!

1- I have to agree with Julie on this one. I hate the telephone too. I am such a visual person it drives me crazy not to be able to see the person I am talking to. And the awkward silences are frightening to me. I literally have to psych myself up to call someone I don't know. Even talking to family is weird. I think mostly because I am so boring I have nothing to say after a minute. Branch is just the opposite. He talks to his one or more of his family members ever day, for a long time.

2- I have seen my favorite movie "Never Been Kissed" 26 times. I plan on watching it once a year for the rest of my life. It is such a good movie.

3- My favorite candy is currently Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Minis are preferred, but I will eat the big cups. But not the big big cups. My favorites use to be Swedish fish, then Junior Mints, then Butterfingers, then .....I will eat other candy but I prefer my favorite. I will tend to pig out on my favorite for a year or so and then one day it will change. When it does I can't go back and eat my old favorite.

4- I always have to double check that the door is locked and the stove is off (even if I didn't use it that day) before I go to bed. I have to make sure I lock the front door before I leave, then check it again. I have gotten really bad now that I have Little Miss. I am constantly checking on her. I still wake up at night and check on her even though she is sleeping through the night now. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a long time. Probably won't for a long time.

5- I am pretty sure that I am going to die in a car accident. I think that is why I hate driving. So don't ask me to drive! Sheesh! I am getting a little better, but at the same time I am now driving with Little Miss in the car and so that freaks me out more.

6- I always have to be on the left of Branch, except when he is driving of course. It is just my most comfortable side. It is because of what I call my "lazy arm". You know how people can have a lazy eye? Well I have a lazy arm. My lazy arm is my biggest bunch of crazy too. Don't want to talk about it right now though.

7- I love my tv shows. I especially love CSI:Crime Scene Investigation. I love the song. Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?Oh I really want to know! Oh! Come on tell me who are you! WHO? WHOOOOOO? I have to sing it. I get mad when Branch talks to me. I get angry when he trys to turn the channel. I will hit him if he turns the channel.... And it not just that song but that is the most specific. Any show that has a song. Even Law & Order:SVU. "Bow bow" "Duh duh duh duh duh." "Bow bow." "Duh duh duh duh duh" "Deedle leedle leedle leedle leeee!"

(BONUS: I am always sick. Not really but I always think I have something wrong with me. Like right now I think I have skin cancer because one of my freckles looks weird. I always have to call mom too. And the conversations always start like "Mom, I think there is something wrong with me...")
I tag my mom. And Sarah. And Liz. I know I am not the only crazy one in this family!


Branch said...

You are extra-strength crazy... but I love you!

Brooke Carroll said...

Hey Emily! I KNOW, teething is the pits! It's sucky, for sure! Your little girl is getting cuter and cuter every time you put up more pics. She's a cutie! I hope you are doing great and love being a mommy. It's so awesome. Take care and have a great weekend! ;)

Seth and Julie said...

I agree with you about driving too...I hate it! And, I am so jealous that Maya sleeps through the night. Chloe sleeps 8-9 hours in a 24 hour period...TOTAL, not even all in a row.