Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today has been crazy. Actually this week has been crazy. On Tuesday we had to take Little Miss to the dr. because she had a temp of 101.5. This is the first time she has been sick and it scared me so much. It turns out she has an ear infection. Poor girl! She is starting to get better though thank goodness.

Then today when Branch woke up he couldn't move his foot without it hurting. He had been complaining about his foot hurting for about a week. So we made an appointment at Student Health and it turns out he has gout. That sucks!

So now I am waiting for my turn to go to the doctor...whats it going to be...(It better not be shingles mom!)

So now on to the Journal Jar Question

Tell about your favorite Halloween? What did you wear? Where did you go?

My favorite Halloween is probably the Halloween when I was 13 years old. The stake had a 12/13 year old Halloween Dance. I was dressed as a Princess that year. No one was asking me to dance but I was having fun with my friends. They had just handed out awards for costumes where I had surprisingly won "Most Beautiful". I thought that was cool.

Then this really cute scarecrow asked me to dance. I was a dork of course. I kept telling him "You know your dancing with the most beautiful person here." How funny. His name was Branch, which I thought was a cool name. He went to a different school and was in a different ward so I had never seen him before. It wasn't unil years later when we had become friends that we realized the connection.

We love Halloween and try to celebrate it every year. We started a new tradition when we married. We go out to eat every year and go to the movies year in our costumes. It is so fun. I love it. A couple years ago when I was in YW and I was supervising the combined stake dance in GR. Branch came and we dressed as a princess and scarecrow and had a special dance.

Now, I want to add a Halloween poem. I learned it in 2nd grade and still remember it.

One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise
and ran to save the two dead boys.
And if you don't believe it's true,
go ask the blind man, he saw it too


Seth and Julie said...

I didn't know you guys met on cute!

Sarah E. said...

How fun! I didn't know that either!

Brooke Carroll said...

Hey Emily! I voted for Himaya! Yay! Haha..anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm making my blog private and want to keep in touch with you, so if you want, leave your email address on my comments page and I will invite you to my blog. Thanks woman, hope you have a great week!