Today has been crazy. Actually this week has been crazy. On Tuesday we had to take Little Miss to the dr. because she had a temp of 101.5. This is the first time she has been sick and it scared me so much. It turns out she has an ear infection. Poor girl! She is starting to get better though thank goodness.
Then today when Branch woke up he couldn't move his foot without it hurting. He had been complaining about his foot hurting for about a week. So we made an appointment at Student Health and it turns out he has gout. That sucks!
So now I am waiting for my turn to go to the doctor...whats it going to be...(It better not be shingles mom!)
So now on to the Journal Jar Question
Tell about your favorite Halloween? What did you wear? Where did you go?
My favorite Halloween is probably the Halloween when I was 13 years old. The stake had a 12/13 year old Halloween Dance. I was dressed as a Princess that year. No one was asking me to dance but I was having fun with my friends. They had just handed out awards for costumes where I had surprisingly won "Most Beautiful". I thought that was cool.
Then this really cute scarecrow asked me to dance. I was a dork of course. I kept telling him "You know your dancing with the most beautiful person here." How funny. His name was Branch, which I thought was a cool name. He went to a different school and was in a different ward so I had never seen him before. It wasn't unil years later when we had become friends that we realized the connection.
We love Halloween and try to celebrate it every year. We started a new tradition when we married. We go out to eat every year and go to the movies year in our costumes. It is so fun. I love it. A couple years ago when I was in YW and I was supervising the combined stake dance in GR. Branch came and we dressed as a princess and scarecrow and had a special dance.
Now, I want to add a Halloween poem. I learned it in 2nd grade and still remember it.
One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise
and ran to save the two dead boys.
And if you don't believe it's true,
go ask the blind man, he saw it too
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
ROUND 3! Top 25!
We need your help! We want to send Himaya through to the next round. The voting started today and ends on the 30th!
You are allowed "one vote per valid email address per computer per day". I will post the link at the end of this email, after you click on the link, here is how you vote for Himaya. Click on the dot next to her name and scroll all the way to the bottom. Then enter your email address and click on "Vote". Then you have to go to your email to confirm your vote...unfortunately, you have to go back to your email every time you vote. I know there are a lot of cute babies on there, but don't be distracted....focus on the task at hand. After voting for Himaya, then feel free to peruse the other photos...haha!
I want to say a big Thank you!!! to every one that has voted for her so far. We appreciate you taking this time out to help us! Hopefully it will be over soon with HIMAYA GRACE as the winner, which we all know she is the most Kissable!
Click here to vote for our little girl!
We need your help! We want to send Himaya through to the next round. The voting started today and ends on the 30th!
You are allowed "one vote per valid email address per computer per day". I will post the link at the end of this email, after you click on the link, here is how you vote for Himaya. Click on the dot next to her name and scroll all the way to the bottom. Then enter your email address and click on "Vote". Then you have to go to your email to confirm your vote...unfortunately, you have to go back to your email every time you vote. I know there are a lot of cute babies on there, but don't be distracted....focus on the task at hand. After voting for Himaya, then feel free to peruse the other photos...haha!
I want to say a big Thank you!!! to every one that has voted for her so far. We appreciate you taking this time out to help us! Hopefully it will be over soon with HIMAYA GRACE as the winner, which we all know she is the most Kissable!
Click here to vote for our little girl!
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm weird but so are you
I've been tagged again...Basically I have to write about 7 of my biggest quirks. Have fun reading!
1- I have to agree with Julie on this one. I hate the telephone too. I am such a visual person it drives me crazy not to be able to see the person I am talking to. And the awkward silences are frightening to me. I literally have to psych myself up to call someone I don't know. Even talking to family is weird. I think mostly because I am so boring I have nothing to say after a minute. Branch is just the opposite. He talks to his one or more of his family members ever day, for a long time.
2- I have seen my favorite movie "Never Been Kissed" 26 times. I plan on watching it once a year for the rest of my life. It is such a good movie.
3- My favorite candy is currently Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Minis are preferred, but I will eat the big cups. But not the big big cups. My favorites use to be Swedish fish, then Junior Mints, then Butterfingers, then .....I will eat other candy but I prefer my favorite. I will tend to pig out on my favorite for a year or so and then one day it will change. When it does I can't go back and eat my old favorite.
4- I always have to double check that the door is locked and the stove is off (even if I didn't use it that day) before I go to bed. I have to make sure I lock the front door before I leave, then check it again. I have gotten really bad now that I have Little Miss. I am constantly checking on her. I still wake up at night and check on her even though she is sleeping through the night now. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a long time. Probably won't for a long time.
5- I am pretty sure that I am going to die in a car accident. I think that is why I hate driving. So don't ask me to drive! Sheesh! I am getting a little better, but at the same time I am now driving with Little Miss in the car and so that freaks me out more.
6- I always have to be on the left of Branch, except when he is driving of course. It is just my most comfortable side. It is because of what I call my "lazy arm". You know how people can have a lazy eye? Well I have a lazy arm. My lazy arm is my biggest bunch of crazy too. Don't want to talk about it right now though.
7- I love my tv shows. I especially love CSI:Crime Scene Investigation. I love the song. Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?Oh I really want to know! Oh! Come on tell me who are you! WHO? WHOOOOOO? I have to sing it. I get mad when Branch talks to me. I get angry when he trys to turn the channel. I will hit him if he turns the channel.... And it not just that song but that is the most specific. Any show that has a song. Even Law & Order:SVU. "Bow bow" "Duh duh duh duh duh." "Bow bow." "Duh duh duh duh duh" "Deedle leedle leedle leedle leeee!"
(BONUS: I am always sick. Not really but I always think I have something wrong with me. Like right now I think I have skin cancer because one of my freckles looks weird. I always have to call mom too. And the conversations always start like "Mom, I think there is something wrong with me...")
I tag my mom. And Sarah. And Liz. I know I am not the only crazy one in this family!
1- I have to agree with Julie on this one. I hate the telephone too. I am such a visual person it drives me crazy not to be able to see the person I am talking to. And the awkward silences are frightening to me. I literally have to psych myself up to call someone I don't know. Even talking to family is weird. I think mostly because I am so boring I have nothing to say after a minute. Branch is just the opposite. He talks to his one or more of his family members ever day, for a long time.
2- I have seen my favorite movie "Never Been Kissed" 26 times. I plan on watching it once a year for the rest of my life. It is such a good movie.
3- My favorite candy is currently Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Minis are preferred, but I will eat the big cups. But not the big big cups. My favorites use to be Swedish fish, then Junior Mints, then Butterfingers, then .....I will eat other candy but I prefer my favorite. I will tend to pig out on my favorite for a year or so and then one day it will change. When it does I can't go back and eat my old favorite.
4- I always have to double check that the door is locked and the stove is off (even if I didn't use it that day) before I go to bed. I have to make sure I lock the front door before I leave, then check it again. I have gotten really bad now that I have Little Miss. I am constantly checking on her. I still wake up at night and check on her even though she is sleeping through the night now. I haven't had a good nights sleep in a long time. Probably won't for a long time.
5- I am pretty sure that I am going to die in a car accident. I think that is why I hate driving. So don't ask me to drive! Sheesh! I am getting a little better, but at the same time I am now driving with Little Miss in the car and so that freaks me out more.
6- I always have to be on the left of Branch, except when he is driving of course. It is just my most comfortable side. It is because of what I call my "lazy arm". You know how people can have a lazy eye? Well I have a lazy arm. My lazy arm is my biggest bunch of crazy too. Don't want to talk about it right now though.
7- I love my tv shows. I especially love CSI:Crime Scene Investigation. I love the song. Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?Oh I really want to know! Oh! Come on tell me who are you! WHO? WHOOOOOO? I have to sing it. I get mad when Branch talks to me. I get angry when he trys to turn the channel. I will hit him if he turns the channel.... And it not just that song but that is the most specific. Any show that has a song. Even Law & Order:SVU. "Bow bow" "Duh duh duh duh duh." "Bow bow." "Duh duh duh duh duh" "Deedle leedle leedle leedle leeee!"
(BONUS: I am always sick. Not really but I always think I have something wrong with me. Like right now I think I have skin cancer because one of my freckles looks weird. I always have to call mom too. And the conversations always start like "Mom, I think there is something wrong with me...")
I tag my mom. And Sarah. And Liz. I know I am not the only crazy one in this family!
Thank you Taco Bell
Taco Bell is doing a promo for the world series. It is called "Steal a Base, Steal a Taco". For every stolen base we get free food. How cool is that? I love free food.
The first tacos, celebrating Jason Barlett's stolen base for Tampa in Game 1, will be available Tuesday, October 28 from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. What can you get for stopping by? A free Crunchy Seasoned Beef Taco. Thanks, Jason!
********Also, voting is over for this round of Most KISSable baby, we want to thank everyone who took the time to vote everyday! We really appreciate it! We'll let you know if she made it to the next round on Monday!********
The first tacos, celebrating Jason Barlett's stolen base for Tampa in Game 1, will be available Tuesday, October 28 from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. What can you get for stopping by? A free Crunchy Seasoned Beef Taco. Thanks, Jason!
********Also, voting is over for this round of Most KISSable baby, we want to thank everyone who took the time to vote everyday! We really appreciate it! We'll let you know if she made it to the next round on Monday!********
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Was there a teacher who had a great influence on you or motivated you to be a better pesron? Describe them and what they taught you.
I think that teachers are one of our greatest resources, and feel lucky that I have had a lot of great teachers in my life. I can't pinpoint just one teacher that has had the greatest influence on me but I am going to highlight a few of the great ones.
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
Susan Heyborne- I love this women. I never actually had her as a teacher but she is one of those teachers that doesn't have to have you in her classroom to teach you. She took an interest in every one of the young adults at the Rock Springs Institute. Her husband was the bishop, then became the Stake President. She helped me with math question, life questions, and spiritual questions. She has a great sense of humor. My favorite memory of her is that I would always walk by her class on my way to the car and I would stand where only she could see me and then do a little jig. She would always get distracted and comment in the middle of her lecture. The first time I did it she started asking me what I was doing and to stop it without saying my name. She then realized her students had no idea what was going on. She then started talking how she wasn't crazy like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind. She kept saying "There really is a girl there! Really! There is someone there! I am not joking! Look" by which time I would leave without anyone seeing me. Good times.
Chuck- I have never liked math. I just don't think like that. I had Chuck Newberg for almost all of my college math classes, and he taught me so much. I actually failed what basically is remedial math because my original teacher sucked. I was so worried and felt stupid. Luckily Chuck actually taught me the principles of math and I never looked back. I never felt dumb asking him a question that ay have seemed stupid to others. He always took the time to answer my question so that I could understand it before moving on. He also has a great sense of humor and seemed to enjoy mine. I took a snowshewing class which I was not to excited about but I need credit. He made me enjoy being outside in the snow, though I wasn't skiing! He is an excellent teacher.
Bro. Nix abd Brother Lund, Bro. Tibbitts, Brother Packer-I can't even imaging trying to teach the gospel to a bunch of punk teenagers and young adults. These Brothers did it well in every sense of the word. Everyone had a great grasp of the gospel. Bro. Nix had the best humor that he was able to use to teach gospel principals. Brother Packer had big responsibility of teaching young adults who were on their own and away from their parents testimonies and having to make the choice themselves. He was always coming up with ways to keep us involved in the gospel in the busy college years.
I also want to thank every young of my young womens advisors I have had over the years. After being an advisor my self I realize how much they sacrificed for us and how much they actually did care for us. They all taught me so much and kept me strong in my faith.
I think that teachers are one of our greatest resources, and feel lucky that I have had a lot of great teachers in my life. I can't pinpoint just one teacher that has had the greatest influence on me but I am going to highlight a few of the great ones.
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
Susan Heyborne- I love this women. I never actually had her as a teacher but she is one of those teachers that doesn't have to have you in her classroom to teach you. She took an interest in every one of the young adults at the Rock Springs Institute. Her husband was the bishop, then became the Stake President. She helped me with math question, life questions, and spiritual questions. She has a great sense of humor. My favorite memory of her is that I would always walk by her class on my way to the car and I would stand where only she could see me and then do a little jig. She would always get distracted and comment in the middle of her lecture. The first time I did it she started asking me what I was doing and to stop it without saying my name. She then realized her students had no idea what was going on. She then started talking how she wasn't crazy like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind. She kept saying "There really is a girl there! Really! There is someone there! I am not joking! Look" by which time I would leave without anyone seeing me. Good times.
Chuck- I have never liked math. I just don't think like that. I had Chuck Newberg for almost all of my college math classes, and he taught me so much. I actually failed what basically is remedial math because my original teacher sucked. I was so worried and felt stupid. Luckily Chuck actually taught me the principles of math and I never looked back. I never felt dumb asking him a question that ay have seemed stupid to others. He always took the time to answer my question so that I could understand it before moving on. He also has a great sense of humor and seemed to enjoy mine. I took a snowshewing class which I was not to excited about but I need credit. He made me enjoy being outside in the snow, though I wasn't skiing! He is an excellent teacher.
Bro. Nix abd Brother Lund, Bro. Tibbitts, Brother Packer-I can't even imaging trying to teach the gospel to a bunch of punk teenagers and young adults. These Brothers did it well in every sense of the word. Everyone had a great grasp of the gospel. Bro. Nix had the best humor that he was able to use to teach gospel principals. Brother Packer had big responsibility of teaching young adults who were on their own and away from their parents testimonies and having to make the choice themselves. He was always coming up with ways to keep us involved in the gospel in the busy college years.
I also want to thank every young of my young womens advisors I have had over the years. After being an advisor my self I realize how much they sacrificed for us and how much they actually did care for us. They all taught me so much and kept me strong in my faith.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
She has made it through to the next round!

(This is from Branch's blog, sorry if you have already read it!)
I want to start by thanking everyone for voting for Little Miss. She has made it through to the second round. I decided to set up a secondary blog to promote her picture. It can be found at hereYou can continue to access the voting page from here by clicking HERE. She still has a few rounds to go, but if we all take a few minutes each day to cast a vote for every email address we have, we should be able to keep her numbers up. I wish we knew how many votes she currently has... after rereading the rules, I believe the winner will be the baby with the most TOTAL votes (not the most votes in the last round).
Again we just want to thank you for taking the time to vote in the last round! We really appreiate it!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What is your favorite food along with a recipe.
I love food. Actually that is a lie. I like a lot of food but I am picky. I like sweet food. And when I say sweet I really mean sugar filled. I like cakes. I like cookies. I like Reeses peanut butter bars.I like artichokes. I like Dr. Pepper. I like cinnamon toast. A lot of people know my food aversions which are no pancakes, pickles, whipped cream, mustard, mushrooms, coconut, spicey food.
I think my favorite comfort food is Shepard's Pie. I think it is delicious and it is one of the only dinners I can make without looking at a recipe. I always wanted it for my birthday dinner when I was growing up.
Right now my favorite candy is Reeses minis. I started craving them when I was about 6 or 7 months pregnant with Little Miss. Then I couldn't eat chocolate because it upset her to much. Now I can and I am trying to not eat a whole bag a day!
I got very lucky in that while I don't like to cook, Branch loves it. He likes trying new things, and he is a really good cook. He makes dinners most nights while I take care of Little Miss. Seriously how lucky am I?
I think my favorite food is crepes. Yummy delicious crepes. I prefer the traditional strawberry crepes, though there are many different types I have tried. I don't like restaurant crepes. I was first introduced to my favorite food when my dad made them when I was really young and I was hooked. Now, whenever Branch and I are at my dads we always eat crepes one of the days there. Branch has taken over the crepe making for me. He does really well too. He has discovered that a couple of tricks that work well for him. (Please see video).
For Crepes
1 cup flour
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water
Whisk ingredients together and set aside. Medium to Medium High heat. Butter pan before each crepe. Top with fruit and other ingredients.
I love food. Actually that is a lie. I like a lot of food but I am picky. I like sweet food. And when I say sweet I really mean sugar filled. I like cakes. I like cookies. I like Reeses peanut butter bars.I like artichokes. I like Dr. Pepper. I like cinnamon toast. A lot of people know my food aversions which are no pancakes, pickles, whipped cream, mustard, mushrooms, coconut, spicey food.
I think my favorite comfort food is Shepard's Pie. I think it is delicious and it is one of the only dinners I can make without looking at a recipe. I always wanted it for my birthday dinner when I was growing up.
Right now my favorite candy is Reeses minis. I started craving them when I was about 6 or 7 months pregnant with Little Miss. Then I couldn't eat chocolate because it upset her to much. Now I can and I am trying to not eat a whole bag a day!
I got very lucky in that while I don't like to cook, Branch loves it. He likes trying new things, and he is a really good cook. He makes dinners most nights while I take care of Little Miss. Seriously how lucky am I?
I think my favorite food is crepes. Yummy delicious crepes. I prefer the traditional strawberry crepes, though there are many different types I have tried. I don't like restaurant crepes. I was first introduced to my favorite food when my dad made them when I was really young and I was hooked. Now, whenever Branch and I are at my dads we always eat crepes one of the days there. Branch has taken over the crepe making for me. He does really well too. He has discovered that a couple of tricks that work well for him. (Please see video).
For Crepes
1 cup flour
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water
Whisk ingredients together and set aside. Medium to Medium High heat. Butter pan before each crepe. Top with fruit and other ingredients.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Please help us!
If you could look at Branch's blog and help us we would really appreciate it.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I heart Bebe Sounds NasalClear!
Little Miss has had a little bit of a cold recently. It sucks really bad because this is her first major not feel goodness. She has had a horrible cough and a lot of nose gunk. I have been taking extra good care of her by feeding her more to make sure she is hydrated and clearing out her nose so she can breath. Which brings me to the nasal aspirator. My sister Liz told me about it when we were in Utah about 3 months ago. It is way better then a bulb. Basically it sucks out the snot.... A lot of snot.... An incredibly gross amount of snot.... At first I wasn't too sure of it but with this cold, it is now worth its weight in gold. You can read a description of it and see a picture of it here. It is seriously awesome!
We bought ours at Target for $20 and it really is worth every cent! Great baby shower gift. Highly recommend it! Thank you Liz!!
We bought ours at Target for $20 and it really is worth every cent! Great baby shower gift. Highly recommend it! Thank you Liz!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Name a book you love and why?
I actually thought this was going to be an easy question and today will we were at the Texas State Fair (not really that impressed), I kept thinking about it. Finally I think I have come up with the books that mean a lot to me.
The first is "Go Forward with Faith: The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley" It is a wonderful book about a wonderful man. It rminds me that these men of God are also human, and have human experiences. I loved reading about his life, especially to see how he progressed in the gospel with such humility. I can't wait to read the biography of Thomas S. Monson!
Another book that I love is "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokow. This Greatest Generation sacrificed so much for me. It is so awe inspiring to read of these people that risked all they had for their country and for our future. We are so lucky to have these men and women in our life.
The book I love that I never read that I love is Jane Eyre. I have it, I've seen a couple of interpretations of it in movie and play form, just haven't read it. Jane, Rochester, Ms. Poole. I have decided I am going to read it before I read the next Twilight book.
As I write this I am also watching Little Miss eat her favorite book called "My First Book" I tried it. It is yummy!
I actually thought this was going to be an easy question and today will we were at the Texas State Fair (not really that impressed), I kept thinking about it. Finally I think I have come up with the books that mean a lot to me.
The first is "Go Forward with Faith: The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley" It is a wonderful book about a wonderful man. It rminds me that these men of God are also human, and have human experiences. I loved reading about his life, especially to see how he progressed in the gospel with such humility. I can't wait to read the biography of Thomas S. Monson!
Another book that I love is "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokow. This Greatest Generation sacrificed so much for me. It is so awe inspiring to read of these people that risked all they had for their country and for our future. We are so lucky to have these men and women in our life.
The book I love that I never read that I love is Jane Eyre. I have it, I've seen a couple of interpretations of it in movie and play form, just haven't read it. Jane, Rochester, Ms. Poole. I have decided I am going to read it before I read the next Twilight book.
As I write this I am also watching Little Miss eat her favorite book called "My First Book" I tried it. It is yummy!
Monday, October 6, 2008
My Ode to Chocolate
For the past 5 months, I have been unable to
eat chocolate because it upset Little Miss too much!
Recently I have been able to eat it again and I
am very very excited and happy about it!
So with out much ado..
How I hungered for you for so long,
but you made Little Miss's tummy ache.
How dare you!
Oh how I missed you so.
You were my friend and my comfort.
And you had to go away.
Now I am going to go eat some of you right now.
YUMMY! chocolate...
...I think I am going to go try Chocolate candy bars
I have never tried before because I now can! YEAH!
eat chocolate because it upset Little Miss too much!
Recently I have been able to eat it again and I
am very very excited and happy about it!
So with out much ado..
How I hungered for you for so long,
but you made Little Miss's tummy ache.
How dare you!
Oh how I missed you so.
You were my friend and my comfort.
And you had to go away.
Now I am going to go eat some of you right now.
YUMMY! chocolate...
...I think I am going to go try Chocolate candy bars
I have never tried before because I now can! YEAH!
I heart General Conference!
I remember when I was younger that General Conference wasn't my favorite time of the year. The talks were boring to me and it took two days! I wanted to play! But now, I love, love, love conference time. It was a lot harder to watch this year because of Maya's constant need to be moving and entertained. We were able to pay attention to most of it anyway.
(To my friends that aren't LDS, every year in April and October, the church has a General Conference were our Prophet Thomas S. Monson, and members of the church leadership, give talks on important topics of the day.)
My favorite talk, though not at this conference, was by Sister Beck called "Mothers Who Know". I was inspired by the talk and think of it often. You can find the talk at here.
I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to listen to a living Prophet. I have a testimony of the Gospel. I am so thankful to have it in my life and for everything it has given me.
(To my friends that aren't LDS, every year in April and October, the church has a General Conference were our Prophet Thomas S. Monson, and members of the church leadership, give talks on important topics of the day.)
My favorite talk, though not at this conference, was by Sister Beck called "Mothers Who Know". I was inspired by the talk and think of it often. You can find the talk at here.
I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to listen to a living Prophet. I have a testimony of the Gospel. I am so thankful to have it in my life and for everything it has given me.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Help us please
Hey everyone! I know I have already emailed most of the people who read my blog so sorry about this but we need you to go to Branch's blog to help us with something. Thanks!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Family Traditions: What are your favorite childhood traditions? What are your traditions with your family now?
One of my favorite family traditions was that every Christmas we would go over to the hill that we would sled on, get some dirt, come home and make luminaries. I loved doing that because the whole neighborhood would do it at the same time, then that night we would go around town and look at all of the them. There were some neighborhoods that really got into it! I loved it because we always did it together as a family. I also loved that we would eat clam chowder by candlelight. I actually didn't mind setting the table for that dinner. Another that I started with dad is that we always watch "White Christmas". Funny that all my favorite traditions are Christmas related. No wonder I love Christmas so much!
Branch and I have a couple of traditions that we have started. The first is that for Halloween every year we go to dinner and a movie. In our full costumes! It is so fun to see others reaction to use in our Halloween attire. Last year we were going to be mummy's, but that didn't work out so we dressed as zombies. I can't wait to include Maya in our tradition this year.

Another tradition we love is for Christmas. We buy the cheap $1 stockings, and fun decorations, then we decorate the stocking for each other. We like to see who does the best stocking. Branch always wins. I think I am going to let him decorate Maya's stocking this year.
One of my favorite family traditions was that every Christmas we would go over to the hill that we would sled on, get some dirt, come home and make luminaries. I loved doing that because the whole neighborhood would do it at the same time, then that night we would go around town and look at all of the them. There were some neighborhoods that really got into it! I loved it because we always did it together as a family. I also loved that we would eat clam chowder by candlelight. I actually didn't mind setting the table for that dinner. Another that I started with dad is that we always watch "White Christmas". Funny that all my favorite traditions are Christmas related. No wonder I love Christmas so much!
Branch and I have a couple of traditions that we have started. The first is that for Halloween every year we go to dinner and a movie. In our full costumes! It is so fun to see others reaction to use in our Halloween attire. Last year we were going to be mummy's, but that didn't work out so we dressed as zombies. I can't wait to include Maya in our tradition this year.

Another tradition we love is for Christmas. We buy the cheap $1 stockings, and fun decorations, then we decorate the stocking for each other. We like to see who does the best stocking. Branch always wins. I think I am going to let him decorate Maya's stocking this year.
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