Monday, September 14, 2009


Just a couple of things...

My first trip to the Jordan River Temple was wonderful. Liz watched Little Miss So I could go with Branch to the temple. It is so pretty. My theme of faith in ever footstep made me concentrate on my faith and what I was doing there. I did have a little experience happen to me where I told myself that it would be ok if I had faith and it worked out. I am so excited for visiting the other temples!

A lady from my ward said that I could take some of her family names and do the work for her so I am excited to make this experience more personal.


Seth and Julies friend Ryan Hess is having his bone marrow transplant today. Ryan was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months ago. Please look at the link on the right side of the page and read about his fight and family.

If you could keep Ryan, his brother (the donor), and his family in your prayers today that would be appreciated.


Last week we were in Green River for the extended weekend. It was so wonderful to see family. Though Little Miss was a stinker pretty much the whole time. She learned how to get out of grandma Hunsakers pack and play she was sleeping in. Great... Then she learned how to get out of Grandpa Johnsons pack and play...then yesterday...she learned how to ipen the child safety locks in the kitchen. Great. This kid is crazy. I can't take my eyes off her for a second.

Now for some random pictures for your viewing pleasure... Sorry they are so small...

Little Miss with her Grandmas.
This is one of the reasons I love living so close to family!

Little Miss in her tutu and her pink balloon. She LOVES balloons. (Sorry it is sideways...)

She loves to play with my glasses (or as she calls hats sometimes) so we decided to
let her get her own! She loves putting them and looks so cute when she puts them on upside down.

Maya and I are so lucky to be able to play with E while her parents are at school and work.
We have a lot of fun together!


Seth and Julie said...

I am going to the temple this Friday for the first time in...well I better not admit how long.

Thanks for keeping Ryan in your prayers. I have been really distracted and prayerful all day and I am anxious to get an update on the transplant.

Kami said...

Your daughter is so stinkin' cute! :)