Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I heard an interesting saying today...on a Disney channel movie, while Little Miss is sleeping, while making a Texas Sheet Cake...mmm...

"There is a huge difference between being The Best and and being Your Best. Being The Best, is fruitless, it is just a matter of opinion. Being Your Best, that is were you find your spirit"

It really hit me. A lot of people try their hardest to be The Best, and when they fail, which they will, they are crushed and down trodden and dejected and..... It is a lot of pressure to put on yourself for a goal that can never be beat. There will always be someone better than you and then there is nothing wrong with that. No one can do what you do, especially in the way you do it.

So I vow to do to be My Best as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a church member, etc, etc, etc.

Any way, what do you think?

These are old pictures off my cell phone (that is why Little Miss looks so young)

(I just wanted to add these two cute pictures of Little Miss)


Kami said...

Love the quote!

Seth and Julie said...

So true! You definitely have to forget about trying to keep up with everyone else and just focus on being who you are here to be.

And finally some you just need to post recent ones but hey, it's progress.

Krystle Ricks said...

What movie is that from? I know I've heard it before but I can't put my finger on it! Hmmm... But I loved this blog! THANKS!

Brian and Tonya said...

Very true. Good job for recognizing that and sharing with us :)

Julie L said...

Great post, Emily. I loved your insight. Was that from Pocahontas? (Your baby is adorable, by the way.) - Auntie J