Monday, September 21, 2009

Ok, question...

What would you give up if you had to give up chocolate or butter? and why?


Anonymous said...

I would give up butter in a heart beat. Chocolate, I would never make it when "mother nature" makes her monthly visit!!!

Amy said...

Definitely butter! I hardly ever use it anyway, and it's very hard for me to pass up chocolate. :)

Seth and Julie said...

I guess butter although that would REALLY suck!

I love to cook and bake and I use LOTS of butter. However, there are butter substitutes out there that I could use. It wouldn't be quite the same but I could still have my chocolate chip cookies. I couldn't have them at all without chocolate.

So leave me my chocolate. I will go slumming with margarine, oil and shortening to make sure I still get enough FAT in to my food.

Kami said...

I would choose to give up chocolate. I don't eat chocolate a whole lot, I still wouldn't want to give it up, but you use butter to make all sorts of things. I'll keep butter! :)

welsh ducks said...

CHOCOLATE because without butter I would be a lost cook!