(First of many updates coming! YEAH!)
We had an interesting Thanksgiving week.
It started Monday when we drove to Provo to have "Family Home Eating." Our niece and nephew were not able to be with us for Thanksgiving so we went to Chuck-a-rama to celebrate with them.
Tuesday, Little Miss and I went to my sisters house, made some cute hand turkeys, and had a yummy steak dinner. So nice!
Wednesday, we drove to Spanish Fork for Pie Night. Pie Night is a tradition in Branch's family. The night before Thanksgiving they have a pie extravaganza. The idea is that your so stuffed after dinner you can't enjoy the pie after so why not enjoy as much as you can the night before.
On Thursday we went again to Spanish Fork. It started out kind of funny. Branch doesn't like to listen to Chrisgtmas music before Thanksgiving but I decided that we were going to listen to music on the way down. We stopped by Alberstons on the way there to pick up the ads for Black Friday. As I got out of the car I told Branch that he had better not turn the station OR ELSE and slammed the door. I then walked away with a mean look on my face. As I walked into the store I passed a lady with the scowl on my face still. When I came back to the car, Branch said that lady gave him the meanest look and was just shooting daggers at him. He said that it was almost like she was thinking "How dare you?" It was so funny to me and just made me laugh the rest of the day.
We had Thanksgiving dinner in Spanish Fork with about 40 members of Branch's family. It was really fun and really good. They figured that they had about 94 pounds of turkey. Later, "the boys" went shooting in Spanish Fork cannon. We decided to visit Jacki, his grandma, but stayed only for a little while because Little Miss, who hadn't taken a nap, was being a real stink.

That is were the "fun" started. About three houses down from Jacki's house we had the right of way and the car on the right had a yeild sign but they didn't stop and we didn't have time to stop before we hit him. We then slid 90 degrees and stopped.

(Doesn't look that bad, but it damaged some REALLY expensive stuff)

The car kept going and my thought was we had just been in a hit an run and I tried to look at the licence plate and remember the number but they did stop on the side of the road. Branch made sure we were alright, got out and made sure they were all right and called 911.I also got out went to the back seat to sit with Little Miss, and also called 911. They sent an ambulance just in case Little Miss was hurt. I ended up being checked out because my shoulder was hurting.
Poor Little Miss was so upset. She definitely didn't like the flashing lights and sirens. Becky, Mont, Amberly and Keelen came down to help. Grandma was able to take her so I could be checked out and help calm her down. She also got a stuffed animal from the ambulance crew. I She discovered it has a rainbow and keeps saying "Rainbow!Rainbow! Rainbow!"
I remember thinking in the short time that we slid "I can't believe this is happening". On the way to Spanish Fork we had seen two accidents on the side of the road and thought to myself how sucky it would be to get in an accident on Thanksgiving. I was right. It sucked.
BUT in the spirit of Thanksgiving I am so thankful that we are all ok. It could have been worse, a lot worse. It is just a car and cars can be fixed or replaced. I am so thankful for Branch and Little Miss. I LOVE YOU! Heavenly Father has given me so much, so much.
So, to wrap it all up. The car was totaled. We are now the proud owners of a new(ish) 2004 VW Jetta. It is really nice. Heated leather seats, sun roof, turbo... So, sad we lost the Nissan and all the extras hassle but it is ok we are all alive and kicking and we have a nice car.