Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Manti Utah Temple

So you are all wondering what those Utah cities and the movie Julie & Julia have in common? Not a lot actually. But to me I hope at the end of one year they do.

So yes, those of you who guessed right, those Utah cities all have an LDS Temple in it. Then what about the movie? Well in the movie a woman named Julie Powell took it upon herself to cook all 524 recipes from Julia Child's French cook book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in under a year, and blog about it.

So I decided I was going to find my own "Project" but was having a hard time trying to decide what to do. I don't like cooking so I wasn't going to cook. Excersize? NO WAY! Cleaning? NO! Do my hair every day? Yeah right!!

Then Branch and I were able to go the the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Dedication last Sunday, and President Monson said that we in Utah are very lucky to be able to have so many temples around us. It kind of hit me. When we were in Dallas we only made it to the temple 3 times. How sad. Now we have so many temples around us. We have been here almost 4 months now and have walked around the Salt Lake Temple once.

So now I am announcing my Julie/Julia Project...

I am going to be going to all 13 temples in Utah... (
Logan, Ogden, Bountiful, Salt Lake City, South Jordan, Draper, Jordan River, American Fork, Vernal, Provo, St. George, Monticello, and Manti).

In a year. Starting soon!

I am then going to blog about my experiences. Its going to be hard especially getting to the St. George, Monticello and Vernal Temple, especially finding child care, and time, and expenses.

I am really excited about this. I really hope to learn a lot about the temple, family, my faith and the reason we are all here.
To my friends that aren't LDS, please follow this link to learn more about temples and the reason they are so important to me.

Why These Temples
by President Gordon B. Hinckley
The Holy Temple by President Boyd K. Packer
History of Temples by
Elder James E. Talmage

Also if you want to learn more about the LDS CHURCH please visit the link or leave a question in my comment page. I would love to hear from you .


Tony and Ann said...

Good luck, sounds like a wonderful goal. We'll take you to the Vernal temple--it's our home temple.

Kami said...

Hey, What a great goal. I am so willing to watch your little one when you visit the Vernal temple! Plus it would be great to see ya again! :)

Emily said...

Kami! That would be AWESOME!! Would you really??

Seth and Julie said...

Sounds awesome Emily!!! Good project.

I only have one temple even semi-close to me but I could certainly visit it more often (EVER).

Good luck.

Julie L said...

Oh, Em, that just sounds way fun! You can do it, you can. We did all the counties in Utah one summer, and it still is one of my favorite vacations, even if it took all summer. (Maybe that's why it's one of my favorites) Just remember to make an appointment at Monticello before you go. I'll be watching!

Emily said...

What a great project! I'll be keeping tabs on you.

Amy said...

We just saw that movie this week, it really does make you want to come up with some kind of one year goal. I could never do the cooking thing though! Your goal is fantastic and such a good idea! Have fun visiting all the temples!!

Kami said...

Emily, I most certainly would watch your daughter for you! It has to be on the weekend because I work full time, but sometimes when Jeremiah and Steph come down to visit the temple I watch their daughter for them. I don't mind at all. My house isn't too far from the temple either. Just let me know! It's a great goal and I'm here to help ya! :)