Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I haven't been out of the house in THREE days. Ok, I have but not really. So I am starting to go a little stir crazy. And I can't find my phone. I need my phone so I can call Branch and tell him to go to Arby's on the way home. They have a free sandwich today an I haven't done much today. **I am a dork, I forgot I plugged in my phone in my room. Stupid battery. All of a sudden it only last about half a day, anyway luckily my MIL was on facebook, so I messaged her and she called me! So I have my phone back. I do feel bad though because the whole time I was wondering what mysterious thing Little Miss did with it! Bad mommy!**

Little Miss has been sick the last couple of days, or as she says "I kick". Poor girl she has thrown up so much in the last couple of days. It has been so sad because other than the throwing up she has been pretty normal. Except she has taken more naps than usual, and longer, and she starts to cry at the things that normally wouldn't phase her. We also missed lunch with grandma grandma and my sisters birthday bbq.

And for anyone who cares. This weeks journal jar question is "What is your quilty pleasure?" Is it chocolate that you don't share, is it reading when you should be cleaning, what is it?


Sarah E. said...

My phone battery did the same thing. I bought a new one while we were out there. It's was $40.

Sorry about Lil' miss. Have you taken her in yet?

Emily said...

I nothave a spare battery. Do I know were it is? No I do NOT! Oh well!

Little Miss is on the mend I hope. Poor girl. But she has been extra cuddly so that has been nice!

Emily said...

Poor Maya! I hate watching tiny little bodies throw up- it's so sad! Hope she gets better really soon.

Lindsay said...

I'm sorry to hear she is not feeling well. Stomach viruses are the worst! I understand not being able to leave the house. I had the actual flu and didn't leave for 7 days. I thought I would lose my mind! Let us know if and when you come up to visit. I love our lunches :)