If they were making a movie of your life, who would play the parts of your family? (I am doing three different ages *teens, now and later*, you don't have to if you don't want to*
For my teens I think that Miley Cyrus would play me. She has big gums like me and she is pretty like me (wink, wink) and Zac Epron would play Branch. And it would be a musical... not just kidding, but "Branch" would sing.

And now for me now, I would have Jenna Fischer play me, Branch would be played by John Krasinksi , an Little Miss by Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
My favorite is Jim and Pam as Branch and I? Pure HEAVEN!

There is no one as cute as Little Miss but Shiloh would be ok in the part.
Finally, who would play us in our older years?
This one is hard but I am thinking that maybe Drew Barrymore would play me and Steve Carell would play Branch. Can you tell I am a fan of The Office? I think Ann Hathaway would be a perfect older Little Miss.

Perfect casting if I do say so myself. The title you ask? Extraordinarily Ordinary. I like it!
I am so glad the Journal Jar is back!!!
I am confused about the Drew Barrymore/Jenna Fisher thing though because Drew Barrymore is younger than Jenna Fisher????
I'm glad it's back too, but what if you don't know any actors or actresses?
I just had to have Jim and Pam together!
It is simple
Younger Sarah=Ann Hathaway
Older Sarah=Julia Roberts
Ya know, I have ALWAYS thought that Anne Hathaway looks like you! And I'm not even lying! And if they made a movie about me with ZAC EFRON playing Barry... I'm afraid I would have to play me... or at least I would be my stunt double for all the romantic scenes. haha! Probably the same with John Krasinski... BUT, I loved your casting ideas. (I LOVE THE OFFICE too!) I've always said that Drew Barrymore would play me in my movie... but my life is almost pretty much filmed in Never Been Kissed soooo... yeah. I'm glad J.J. is back!!!
You guys are hot at any age. Good choices!
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