Friday, May 15, 2009

JJ-10 years

Sorry that I suck about doing the Journal Jar. It stinks having no internet and having to bum it off other people! Oh well, we are in Utah and that is all that matters!

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"

Thinking about this made me feel kind of old and knowing in 10 years I will be 36. I know that is not old but that number just seems big...old....

Ok anyway, in 10 years I will be 36 as we previously mentioned. Branch will be 37. He will have been working in the P&O field for 10 years and hopefully close to opening his own practice, if he already hasn't opened one. I see myself with two more children and living in Provo/Orem or Spanish Fork (I LOVE their wide streets!) Oh yeah we will have a house and it will be awesome..I will be serving in the YW program :). Little Miss won't be so little. She will be 11 years old in 5th grade or 6th. Now that is crazy! And I am thinking that Little One #2 will be 8ish and Little One #3 will be 5ish. I don't know about that??? We will see. I will have gotten my degree in Sign Language. My favorite color will be pink and my favorite candy will be something that hasn't been invented yet. I will also be "green" and drive a very environmentaly friendly car and our house will be very environmentally friendly too.

What about you?


Seth and Julie said...

I don't like this offense. I have just never liked to play the 10 years from now game.

It is crazy to think of all the kids being 10 years older and by then I will have been married for almost 20 years...super cool!

I am excited that you guys are back in Utah...hopefully you will get internet soon so you can get to blogging more.

Chrissy said...

Please just enjoy those 20s! Coming from and "old lady" who was in your shoes not so long ago. It moves fast- just enjoy it!

Lindsay said...

I'm sorry but I have to laugh because I;m only a couple years away from 36! I will have a 20 year old and an 18 year old. Yikes!!! I'm beginning to think your JJ question is a little depressing :)
It looks like you are settling in ok. Are you happy?