Monday, April 20, 2009

Little Miss update...

I can't believe it has been a year since Little Miss came into our lives. She has really changed our lives for the better. Check out Branch's blog to see her cute birthday video and pictures of her in the bluebonnets. So cute!

Here is an update on her. Sorry if it sounds like I am bragging...which I am a little bit...I'm her mom I can't help it.

*Has been walking since 9 1/2 months.

*She has a large vocabulary (Momma, Mom, mommy, dada, daddy, dad, ducky, kitty, doggy, puppy, no, yeah! why? What?, boon (balloon), ball, nanana (banana and food in general), baba (bottle), cookie, doctor, "jews" (for juice and shoes, though it is getting better), tickle, WOW!, Hi, bye-bye, yummy, stinky, thank you. She is starting to pick up a lot of words that I can't even keep up with it!

*Really friendly and can play with the big kids.

*HATES sitting still, when in stroller she leans forward, wants to get out. She is always pointing at something, saying WOW!

*Has a courtesy laugh. When Branch and I are talking and laughing or if there is a laugh on the tv or radio she will laugh with it, or if we aren't paying attention to her she will laugh, thus bringing the attention back to where it should be.

*Can't wait to get her own room. This sleeping in the dining room stinks to high heavens.

*After moving to Utah she will Get to see cousin E a lot more and grandmas and grandpas. She won't know what to do with herself.

*Recognizes pictures of her grandmas. She even calls them "Mama!" and kisses the pictures. Calls grandpas "Poppys".

*LOVES powdered donuts and anything we are eating.

*Gets into everything!

By the way, I am getting Lasiks this Wednesday. I am starting to get a little nervous so pray for me please!


Brooke Carroll said...

She sounds like she's getting so smart and growing up so fast! So is Mersadie, it's ridiculous how fast and how much they learn in such a short time. I wish you luck with your lasiks and everything that goes with it! Take care of yourself, girly! :)

Amy said...

Wow! She has a better vocabulary than my 18 month old. :) It sounds like she's a smart little girl!

That is so awesome about the lasik! I swear everyone I know is getting it done and they all love it! I can't wait until I can do it too. :)

Krystle Ricks said...

I'm with Amy! She talks WAY better than Grayson! ALthough he is starting to say quite a few words... but mostly when prompted. He can say a handful of words on his own. BUt that is great! What an ADORABLE little girl!!!!! AND GOOD LUCK ON THE LASIKS!!! MY dad got the surgery and it was nothing... so I feel confident for you! Good luck again! I miss you!

Jay & Heather said...

You will LOVE the eye surgery!!! I had it 4 years ago and would never go back!

Brian and Tonya said...

Wow she is growing up so much. Wahoo on getting lasik. That's so much fun. :)

Meredith said...

Ah, she is so grown up! I still picture her as crawling around like the last time I saw her. You have the right to be a bragging mom, she is amazing!

Seth and Julie said...

We all know she is smart but I am forgetting what she looks like since you NEVER post pictures!!!

And I am so jealous about Lasik. Not fair!

The Peterson's said...

Yay!! Cairo has 2 weeks before he is one!! Have fun for the next year too!