Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What a week

Well, it has been a crazy week. Branch started school again last Monday (only 2 more semesters!) then on Tuesday we had our flood. The update on that is that we did get our padding replaced but they sucked that up. There are areas were you can feel a inch gap in old and new padding! Argh! Then when they did replace it they broke the door to our bedroom and didn't tell us about it. So we call our apartment maintenance about that and how our washer still is broken. But it was a three day weekend and when I called to see when they were coming they said to give them a couple of days! Yeah right! We haven't had a working washer in a week! And our door to our bedroom is off its hinges and they were supposed to hang a thing for me in the wall a month ago! Argh! I still try to remember that it could have been worse. Plus we did stay in a nice expensive hotel for free so that was fun and we had red lobster so we can't complain for the "mini staycation".

Then on Thursday, I really wanted to get out of the house so we decided to go to the zoo in Fort Worth. I have lived in Texas for a year and had never been to Fort Worth. I didn't really want to go until October because it is so stinking hot here still, but we went. We invited Tara, Allen and their two kiddos. It ended up being so much fun. It was cool to see the animals. My favorite was the Gorilla that was sitting near a window literaly 10 inches from me and he kept looking at me. He was also eating his own feces but that is another story... It was really hot and humid but we had buildings to escape into. Little Miss did really well too, thank goodness!

Before the whole flood business we had decided it was time to start sleep training Little Miss. It is hard and yet a lot of people complain about the crying but we had a colicly baby who is still really sensitive so the crying is not that bad to us. I don't know if it is actually working yet. Do you mothers have any tips, ideas, anything? Please let me know...

So far this week has been good. We are going to a Pampered Chef thing for Tara tomorrow so that will be nice to get out of the house, then on Saturday we are hopefully going to a Rangers vs Red Sox game. Branch and his family LOVE the Red Soxs so this is going to be really cool for Branch and I. Last time I went to the Rangers I was 4 months pregnant and so tired that I actually fell asleep!

Well anyway, I will try to post pictures and video tomorrw! Love you all!


Tara said...

Yeah, someone needed to feed that gorilla something other than poo! What a fun day, though! Allan showed me the videos, THANK YOU for taking them! I was so sad I didn't have my camera!

Pampered Chef RULES!

Sammy said...

It's worth listening to the crying for a few nights I promise.
Ashton now sleeps 12 sometimes 13 hours straight.
It took 3 nights of listening to him cry the 4th night he slept straight through. The vacations always get him off but he's never cried as long as he did when we first taught him.
As a friend once told me... babies are smart, if you want more than one you can't let the first one have you wrapped around their little finger every night.

Sammy said...

What I really meant to say is
*Good Luck*

Lynette said...

I would recommend a book like The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Pantley and Sears or The Baby Sleep book by Dr. Sears.

I would NOT recommend the Baby Wise books, as they advocate child abuse and even the AAP says not to use them.

The best advise I can give anyone trying to get a bit more sleep is that an infant cannot manipulate you. They have no sense of manipulation and if they need you, they need you.

At that age, we had a family bed and it worked great for us. Now Cache has his own bed next to ours... It's not for everyone, but we've been sleeping through the night every night since Cache was a few weeks old!

Hope it goes well!