Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm a big kid

Little Miss had a big week this last week.

She went to her first baseball game to see the Red Sox beat the Rangers. Se did pretty good, though near the fourth inning she was so tired and hungry she would cry her really sad cry every time there was cheering, which was a lot. I finally had to go into the bathroom and feed her! Thank goodness they had some folding chairs in there and I had my hooter hider. Branch and his family are big fans of the Red Soxs so I was excited that we got to go see them play.

Little Miss has been pretty good about going to bed early too. 8:30 or 9 is wonderful for Branch and I. Unfortunately, I usually am so exhausted I am not up to much later than 10:30 myself. Because she is going to bed earlier she is also getting up earlier too!

We think Little Miss is teething. She has been super cranky lately. She has a small fever, not napping well, she got up twice last night. She had been sleeping 10-12 hours straight so I am not use to being up in the middle of the night anymore! I don't see any teeth buds but I still think she might. Any suggestions?

Another big thing in our life is that our little girl is growing up so fast! She is 5 months old yesterday and she started eating rice cearal on Saturday. She does really good actually. She is always trying to grab our food and so we knew it was time to start her on solids. I was actually a little sad because it is such a big step in her life. I am glad that she is growing up and learning but holy crap it is happening way fast!

Well, in the grown up lives not a lot has happened for me anyway. I got a new calling teaching primary. I teach the CTR 7s which actually means I have 6, 7, and 8 year olds and they are all GIRLS! It is hard because they just want to talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and talk. I am adjusting! Branch is having a good semester. It is nice having him home more. We are trying to enjoy it as much as we can because next semester he has rotation and then he will be working! He has his senior paper topic (knee replacement stuff with cartiladge or something like that, ask him if you are interested). He has to have 30 sources! Yikes!

Well anyway, I have to go! Love you all!


Tara said... might wanna get her tested for strep?? I hope she's just teething, but everyone here has strep :(

Sarah E. said...

She might just be going through a growth spurt. Yea for eating. It makes it a lot easier in public to give them a little tide-me-over until you can nurse them. (and daddy can do some feeding too!

Sammy said...

I bet you're great in Primary!
My mom just had a knee replacement in Feburary... does Branch need real live people to interview?