Then! THEN she got her 2 month shots. My daughter has colic so she knows how to cry but I have never seen here cry like she did then. About 3 hours later we are at Target when she starts to cry really suddenly and really loudly. I go to change her in the restroom and she is screaming like it is the end of the world, so much in fact that an employee knocked on the door to ask if everything was all right. Poor girly. So we I have to find Branch with a crying baby because my phone is at home. We looked at her injection sites and one side is swollen and red. I am by this time freaking out a little. By the time that we got outside (in the natural light it looked better) she isn’t crying as much but I am by this time feeling like a horrible mother. Anyway we get her home and she is still crying and unhappy and all I can do is hold her.

So now I am watching her like a hawk, giving her infant Tylenol, and taking her temperature every two hours or so. My mother said to be worried if her temperature reaches 101 because she is on Tylenol. I am so lucky to have a husband who is a worthy priesthood holder who was able to give her a blessing.

She seems to be doing better. I’m not. I foresee a long night for me and Branch.
Awww, I'm sorry :( Poor Maya. Will you guys keep up with the shot schedule as normal, or hold off now? I hate when babies hurt. It's so sad! :(
I'm sorry Em. It's awful to feel so bad for your baby and not be able to do anything about it and then top things off by feeling like a bad mom (which you aren't!) because you can't get them to storp crying. Good luck!
Emily I'm so sorry! Shots are the worst. Ashton is always SUPER grumpy 3-4 hours later.
I asked David what you need to do to get screened. I couldn't find your email address. Shoot me an email and I'll give you the details.
Congrats on your baby girl and so sorry for the 2 month check up. It's so fun to see their growth progression but so terrible to have to hold them down for shots. Let alone hip surgery. Hope she slept it off.
You do have a really cute baby! You and Branch are fabulous parents!
I am going to try to drag Kerri into the Blog thing.
you probably should download yahoo messenger. I don't know what you do all day, but I hole myself up in the computer room with the air conditioning and take care of Vi and Gracie in here. We could chat :D
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