Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today is my birthday. I am 26 years old. I look back on the last year and I can't believe how much I have changed and grown and how much I have been blessed.

I looked at an old blog on myspace I wrote close to my birthday and it is quite interesting to see.

"First, I turned 25, which is no big deal but it kind of hit me that not only am I older now, but I am also moving. If we were staying here it wouldn't be a big deal but add the Dallas ingredient and It is big to me. I am old and I am moving far away for the first time in my life. I have always lived in Wyoming. I have always lived near family. I have always had this comfort zone."

I really have grown a lot. I have lived now for a year out of Wyoming, out of my comfort zone. I still wish I were back there. I really do like it in the West and can't wait to move back but I like it here a lot more than I thought I would. It has been a great learning more about myself, about Branch and about us as a couple. I am a lot stronger than I thought I was.

"Not that I am not excited about moving. I really am. I am excited to grow and experience new things, especially with my husband. Like I said, I am just experiencing growing pains I quess. But that is a good sign. It shows that I am changing."

I have certainly changed! I drive now a little more. I feel less nervous doing that and that is a big thing! I worked at a job that I hated and grown from that and now know a lot more about my character.

"I wonder what I will be like in two years when he is done with school. Will I be more mature? Will I have a child? Will I be a better person? I hope so on all of those accounts. Heaven knows I do need some help!"

It has only been 1 year but I look back and marval at how both Branch and I have changed! Branch has turned into such a great scholar and is doing so well in school. He is definityl loving this field. He was made for it. And the biggest thing! We became parents! It was shocking when we found out we were expecting but Himaya has been the greatest blessing in our lives. I am now a stay-at-home mom. I am not good at it but I am learning.

So yes, I have grown so much whenI was 25. Now I look forward to what I will experience when I am 26. Will I continue to grow as a mom? Where will we end up? Will Himaya ever get over colic? I am so excited to see! Heaven knows I do need some help though!!


Tara said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Isn't it amazing how much we change in so little time? I don't know how I got to be 26...I guess it'll be this quick from here on out!

There is a P&G Brandsaver LIVE thing going on in Dallas next week where they will be handing out tons of samples and coupons. I want to go and thought maybe you would like to come and we can raid Target for diapers, too. I'll share my coupons with you ;) Let me know!!

And we'd love to go to the it tomorrow or Sat? GraceAnne has a birthday party to go to tomorrow from 6-9pm.

Emily said...

Thank you! I think it is so weird that I am this old!

I would love love love to go to the thing with you! Awesome! The movie is on Saturday. I will try calling you sometime today or tomorrow!

Brian and Tonya said...

Happy, Happy Birthday children dear.. happy days will come to you all year. If I had a wish, that if would be....a happy, happy birthday from you to me.

Sorry, I always think about that primary song when I say happy birthday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope it's a good one.

Ooh PS. have you tried It tells you where all the great sales are in your area. Good thing for diapers.

Amy said...

Your blog is really cute, and I hope you had a great birthday. :)

It is sad and hard to move away, but I think it will continue to be a great experience and blessing for you. We are super happy to have moved back to Utah, but the time away was really good for us. It really helped us to draw close together as a couple, and to define ourselves and our family on our own terms. I'm sure this will be another great year for you!