Monday, June 30, 2008
WALL-E and Prince Caspian
First off I also must say that I love drive-in movie theatres! They are so awesome! Maya was such a trooper at her second experience. The first "Indy 4" was a screaming fest. Good thing our car is sound proof!
The first movie we saw in the double-feature was WALL-E. WALL-E is the only robot left on earth, left to clean up the mountains of garbage left by humans who left on a 5 year cruise while the robots clean up. 700 years later, WALL-E is alone and has developed a "personality". He watches "My Fair Lady" a lot and wants someone to hold hands with. Suddenly a ship shows up and he mets Eve. He is in love. He ends up on the ship with the humans on there 705 year cruise.
The movie is really cute! At first I was worried that the movie was going to be a little boring because there is very little human dialog. The robots do "speak" but very minimally but are still able to give out emotion. There are humans in the story that speak, but very minimally.
The movie had some points to think about. First, we are so focused on commercialism and stuff that we are very close to having those mounds of garbage. Also, in the movie there is a scary result of the humans time in space that is so scary for todays people, especially the youth. The people had been cared for by robots so long they no longer had human interaction and were so fat they no longer walked. How scary is that.
It was a good story. Fun to watch and definitely I would give it an 4 stars.
Prince Caspian was cute too. What I saw of it. The movie was long and I wish that I would have watched "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" again before I saw the sequel. I just couldn't remember a lot of what had happened in the first movie and so it was hard to follow the movie. It was well acted. There was a lot of fighting in the movie by the younger actors, but they are trying to save Narnia.
Thank goodness the original kids that were in the first were in the second one.
For this movie I really recommend that you watch the first movie again, or for the first time, before you see this one. I give this move 4 stars also.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I looked at an old blog on myspace I wrote close to my birthday and it is quite interesting to see.
"First, I turned 25, which is no big deal but it kind of hit me that not only am I older now, but I am also moving. If we were staying here it wouldn't be a big deal but add the Dallas ingredient and It is big to me. I am old and I am moving far away for the first time in my life. I have always lived in Wyoming. I have always lived near family. I have always had this comfort zone."
I really have grown a lot. I have lived now for a year out of Wyoming, out of my comfort zone. I still wish I were back there. I really do like it in the West and can't wait to move back but I like it here a lot more than I thought I would. It has been a great learning more about myself, about Branch and about us as a couple. I am a lot stronger than I thought I was.
"Not that I am not excited about moving. I really am. I am excited to grow and experience new things, especially with my husband. Like I said, I am just experiencing growing pains I quess. But that is a good sign. It shows that I am changing."
I have certainly changed! I drive now a little more. I feel less nervous doing that and that is a big thing! I worked at a job that I hated and grown from that and now know a lot more about my character."I wonder what I will be like in two years when he is done with school. Will I be more mature? Will I have a child? Will I be a better person? I hope so on all of those accounts. Heaven knows I do need some help!"
It has only been 1 year but I look back and marval at how both Branch and I have changed! Branch has turned into such a great scholar and is doing so well in school. He is definityl loving this field. He was made for it. And the biggest thing! We became parents! It was shocking when we found out we were expecting but Himaya has been the greatest blessing in our lives. I am now a stay-at-home mom. I am not good at it but I am learning.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I'm so glad when daddy comes home...
I had the best Father's Day this year. First I have the world's best father who was down visiting us...I mean visiting Maya. I was so amazing to see him with her. I am the youngest of 5 so I think that him seeing me with my own child was awesome for him. I know it has been awesome to see her in the arms of all of her grandparents.

Then, I have the world's most awesome husband. Branch, I can't even describe in words how I feel about you, but I will try. You literally mean the world to me. My life is better because you are in it. You have made me so happy! Then you gave me a daughter. I didn't think at the time I had more love to give or that I could get more happy! I can't believe how my dreams have come true! You are favorite. And best. You are favorite AND best! I love you! I love you! I love you! Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Grandpa Bob
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh crap!
Yesterday Little Miss was up most of the day yesterday and I was thinking "Oh,she is going to sleep good tonight". I was finally able to put her to sleep and she stayed asleep at 3:30. I am running on 4 hours of sleep. I would try to sleep myself not that she is asleep again but I guarantee the minute I fall asleep she will wake up! I am going to try though. Like I said she is a lot better at night now. We still have to give her colic soother but she isn't crying the whole time now, which is nice. She just has her days and nights mixed up. How do you fix that??
My father is coming tomorrow to met her. I am so excited! Yet, if she continues to stay up until 3:30... it is going to be a long visit for all!
Then she has the ability that the minute I think I have time to eat or shower after putting her down for a nap she will wake up, yet if I think that she is going to wake up soon and I don't take the time to eat or whatever, that is when she can sleep a lot. Yet then after I realize that she is going to sleep for a while the minute I start to make something she wakes up! How does she do that?
Then, and I feel really bad for her, she had 3 full poopy diapers this morning! No wonder she was having a hard time going to sleep last night! Even I felt better! Her digestive system is improving and now only going poopy once a day but man alive that was a lot!
I still don't know how to put her in her crib at night without her waking up 90% of the time (at night only). I don't know how to bounce her in my arms the way her daddy can, and I don't think I ever will be able to. I am learning how to talk to a baby and not feel silly. I still don't know how to do things with one hand. I need to learn how to relax when she is asleep and yet still have time to clean the house! And to keep it clean!
So I have a lot to learn but I am learning! I guess I have started to learn what the different cries mean. I know how to change a dirty diaper, change her clothing, bather her. I know how to hold her and carry her and put her in her carseat. I finally learned to open the stroller. I know how to feed her. I know how to love her even when she is crying REALLY loudly in my ear. I know how to laugh at her cute crying faces and realize that she will only be little once.I know how to love her unconditionally and care for her.
I am so excited to have this chance to be her mommy. I have grown so much because of her. Branch and Little Miss mean the world to me and I am so happy to have them in my life. I am so lucky!
I am going to post some pictures later. Again I know that is what you really want anyway!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Cry baby...
Then! THEN she got her 2 month shots. My daughter has colic so she knows how to cry but I have never seen here cry like she did then. About 3 hours later we are at Target when she starts to cry really suddenly and really loudly. I go to change her in the restroom and she is screaming like it is the end of the world, so much in fact that an employee knocked on the door to ask if everything was all right. Poor girly. So we I have to find Branch with a crying baby because my phone is at home. We looked at her injection sites and one side is swollen and red. I am by this time freaking out a little. By the time that we got outside (in the natural light it looked better) she isn’t crying as much but I am by this time feeling like a horrible mother. Anyway we get her home and she is still crying and unhappy and all I can do is hold her.

So now I am watching her like a hawk, giving her infant Tylenol, and taking her temperature every two hours or so. My mother said to be worried if her temperature reaches 101 because she is on Tylenol. I am so lucky to have a husband who is a worthy priesthood holder who was able to give her a blessing.

She seems to be doing better. I’m not. I foresee a long night for me and Branch.
Little Miss had her 2 month check-up today and it sucked! Well, not all of it. She weighs 10 lbs 3 oz and is 21.5 inches long. She is doing really well in that aspect. She peed on the weighing table which I thought was cool. Then came the suckiness. She had to get her hips ultrasounded for hip dysplasia and the clinic messed up on when she was supposed to get them. So now we have to get her hips ultrasounded again. I am going to call the clinic tomorrow because I don’t think we should have to pay for their mistake. Let’s see how well that works out.
Then! THEN she got her 2 month shots. My daughter has colic so she knows how to cry but I have never seen here cry like she did then. About 3 hours later we are at Target when she starts to cry really suddenly and really loudly. I go to change her in the restroom and she is screaming like it is the end of the world, so much in fact that an employee knocked on the door to ask if everything was all right. Poor girly. So we I have to find Branch with a crying baby because my phone is at home. We looked at her injection sites and one side is swollen and red. I am by this time freaking out a little. By the time that we got outside (in the natural light it looked better) she isn’t crying as much but I am by this time feeling like a horrible mother. Anyway we get her home and she is still crying and unhappy and all I can do is hold her.
So now I am watching her like a hawk, giving her infant Tylenol, and taking her temperature every two hours or so. My mother said to be worried if her temperature reaches 101 because she is on Tylenol. I am so lucky to have a husband who is a worthy priesthood holder who was able to give her a blessing.
She seems to be doing better. I’m not. I foresee a long night for me and Branch.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I'm thankful
First, I am so thankful for my husband. Branch is the most wonderful person I know. He is so loving and caring. I am so lucky to have him in my life. I know I am not the easiest person to live with and yet he puts up with me and he loves me no matter what! He is the love of my life. I often tell him I am so lucky to have him as my husband but he isn’t so lucky to have me as his wife. He always lets me know that he wouldn’t have it any other way. He recently gave me the best gift I have ever been given with the addition to our family of Maya.
Next, the newest love of my life, Himaya. I only pray that I can be the mom she deserves. I am going to try my hardest to be the best mom to her. I know I will make mistakes but I will learn from them. I love everything about her, from her crooked smile when she sleeps to her quivering lip when she cries (and she sure can cry! Really loud!) She has already taught me so much from unconditional love to patience. I am truly blessed to be the mommy of this beautiful little girl!
I am thankful for family. I never realized how lucky I was to have family close by until I moved. I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I do. Now that I have a child I really do realize how important family is. I am so thankful to have the parents I do who each, in their own way, taught me to be who I am and what love is. I am growing to really love and appreciate my brothers and sisters for who they are, even though they all use to beat me up! No, they are all good role models to me. My in-laws have always accepted me and I am so lucky to have in-laws that I love!
I am so thankful that we are here in Texas and that Branch is able to be going to school for Prosthetics and Orthotics. It is what he has always wanted to do and to be able to be in this program is awesome for him and for us. I am also thankful that he only has a year left and then we can get out of here!
I am so very thankful to be able to be a stay-at-home mommy. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do this but taking a leap of faith and a prayer I quit my job. We were blessed to receive in-state tuition this year which will save us $12,000 in student loans. We had already taken out all the student loans we needed to cover everything. Now we have a safety net. In fact, it is saving us exactly what I would have made working part-time, but this way I get to stay with Maya.
I am so thankful for the Gospel in my life. I have received so many blessings because of my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so blessed to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am blessed to be sealed for time and all eternity to my husband Branch. I am looking forward to teaching my children about the love of their Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ.
I haven’t written everything I am so thankful for but there are many more things. Thanks to everyone and everything.
I will try to post as often as I can. I am boring though so they will be all about Maya, but I am pretty sure that is who you are more interested in anyway!