Monday, February 7, 2011

Funniest thing ever!

So I have started nesting...kinda. Hard to get excited about "decorating" when you know you're moving 3 or so weeks after having a baby. But I am at least cleaning. Man I got a lot done today too! Anyway, funniest thing happened today. I found a magazine that all pregnant women get at their first doctors appointment that catalogs all the months off pregnancy that has some pictures inside the womb. I let Little Miss look at it, and she was enjoying it too. She kept pointing at the babies and saying "Look mom! Baby Brother!" Then on the third go through she stopped at the third month.

She looked up at me REALLY worried and said " baby brother a...alien?!"
(Baby Brother Hunsaker)

I start laughing and tell her "No, baby brother isn't an alien!"

Where she says next "But look at his red eyes and big head!" Then I look at the picture..."Well, he does look like an alien huh?"

Don't worry, I then took her to the 8th month and let her see what Baby Brother looks like in mommies belly now.

I have to say the book has been fun to look at. Every baby is baby brother and she now knows what an umbilical cord is and that is were he gets his food. Smart kid.


Necha said...

LOL! How funny! Kids are so cute!

Chloe and Tyler said...

Haha, what a cutie.

Becky Pearson said...

That is so funny! Where are you guys moving to?

Julie L said...

Oh, that is too cute!

Seth and Julie said...

So funny! I am glad you cleared things up. She may have had nightmares about her little alien brother joining the family.

Are you guys buying a house?