I have around 11 weeks before Baby Boy is born. 77 days actually. I am starting to freak out a little. I don't feel as prepared as I was with Little Miss, and trust me I wasn't hardly prepared for her! I keep wondering what he is going to look like. I think that Little Miss looked a lot like her daddy when she was born but as she grows she has a great mixture of both of us. I like to say she has my look and Branch's brains....Actually she got her good looks from him too. Her temper and stubbornness she got from me. Yikes. Anyway.
I scanned a few pictures of Branch, and wonder if we are going to hit the jackpot again and get a really cute baby that looks like his daddy.
And now for your viewing pleasure....

his suit in "Rain Man" from Branch. I think he is in second grade here.
I love the hair and the matching shoes. Awesome.
And now for some comparison pictures. Do you think Little Miss looks like her daddy?

I remember thinking #2 would be like #1, it's amazing how different everything is not just boy vs girl. 11 weeks will be here before you know it and one of the best things about the birth is seeing who they look like! Contests again.
It is always fun to see people's second babies. My first two looked nothing alike, but in some families every single kid looks just like the one before. We'll see. I do think LM looks like Branch, but I see a lot of you too. I have actually always thought she looked more like Seth than his own kiddos. I know you hate to hear that you and Seth look alike though. Anyway, I am excited to see your little guy!
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