I know another week of no journal jar. Sorry Julie. Sorry mom! I have been busy. I will have to tell you about it later though. I did complete a 5k today. What did you do? Keith Young, a former counselor in the Stake Presidency passed a way a year ago today and his family celebrated his memory with a Memorial Run (well a walk too) Anyway, it was amazing so check out his webpage to learn more about SADS, which is what he passed away from here.
Or check out these Deseret News article here.
Other than that we have been unpacking, visiting the zoo, hanging with family and visiting Green River. Busy busy busy.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
JJ-10 years
Sorry that I suck about doing the Journal Jar. It stinks having no internet and having to bum it off other people! Oh well, we are in Utah and that is all that matters!
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
Thinking about this made me feel kind of old and knowing in 10 years I will be 36. I know that is not old but that number just seems big...old....
Ok anyway, in 10 years I will be 36 as we previously mentioned. Branch will be 37. He will have been working in the P&O field for 10 years and hopefully close to opening his own practice, if he already hasn't opened one. I see myself with two more children and living in Provo/Orem or Spanish Fork (I LOVE their wide streets!) Oh yeah we will have a house and it will be awesome..I will be serving in the YW program :). Little Miss won't be so little. She will be 11 years old in 5th grade or 6th. Now that is crazy! And I am thinking that Little One #2 will be 8ish and Little One #3 will be 5ish. I don't know about that??? We will see. I will have gotten my degree in Sign Language. My favorite color will be pink and my favorite candy will be something that hasn't been invented yet. I will also be "green" and drive a very environmentaly friendly car and our house will be very environmentally friendly too.
What about you?
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
Thinking about this made me feel kind of old and knowing in 10 years I will be 36. I know that is not old but that number just seems big...old....
Ok anyway, in 10 years I will be 36 as we previously mentioned. Branch will be 37. He will have been working in the P&O field for 10 years and hopefully close to opening his own practice, if he already hasn't opened one. I see myself with two more children and living in Provo/Orem or Spanish Fork (I LOVE their wide streets!) Oh yeah we will have a house and it will be awesome..I will be serving in the YW program :). Little Miss won't be so little. She will be 11 years old in 5th grade or 6th. Now that is crazy! And I am thinking that Little One #2 will be 8ish and Little One #3 will be 5ish. I don't know about that??? We will see. I will have gotten my degree in Sign Language. My favorite color will be pink and my favorite candy will be something that hasn't been invented yet. I will also be "green" and drive a very environmentaly friendly car and our house will be very environmentally friendly too.
What about you?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
These are just a couple of mother's I know that have taught me so much!
Mom, Grandma L, Becky, Grandma H, ALL my aunts and Cousings, Sarah, Liz, Helen, Julie, Amy A., Becky K., Beth S., Brooke C., Chloe R., Emily W., Emily M., Jaclyn D., Jenn S., Krystle R., Lindsay C., Lindsay H., Meredith, Necha, Sammy D. (Hope that baby comes soon!), Tera D.,
and all those who I love and respect whose name I didn't put on here, I am thinking of you!
Thank you all! Happy Mother's Day!
Especially Happy Mother's Day to my mother. I know this Christmas was really hard for everyone, but now that I am a mother I can feel that pain you must have felt when you saw me in acoma and so very sick. Thanks for being "my nurse". Thanks for everything! Thanks for taking care of Little Miss and I when I couldn't.
We love you!
Becky, You gave me the best gift in the world. Your son! Thank You! Thank You!Thank You! Thank You! He is my everything and has made me so happy! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father!
We love you!
To my sisters Sarah, Liz, Helen and Julie! My best friends. You are the type of mother I am trying to be! Love you! See you in July!
Especially Happy Mother's Day to my mother. I know this Christmas was really hard for everyone, but now that I am a mother I can feel that pain you must have felt when you saw me in acoma and so very sick. Thanks for being "my nurse". Thanks for everything! Thanks for taking care of Little Miss and I when I couldn't.
We love you!
Becky, You gave me the best gift in the world. Your son! Thank You! Thank You!Thank You! Thank You! He is my everything and has made me so happy! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father!
We love you!
To my sisters Sarah, Liz, Helen and Julie! My best friends. You are the type of mother I am trying to be! Love you! See you in July!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sorry, I just now realized it was Friday and I forgot to do the Journal Jar! Sorry, I would do it now but I am really tired so it isn't going to happen. But I will give the question to those of you who want to know.
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
Have fun!
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
Have fun!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Journal Jar is BACK!
I know you guess have been missing my journal jar questions...right? Oh well if you haven't. I lost my blogging desire when I was sick and I am now just getting it back. I want to do something fun for the first journal jar so I think I have a good one.
If they were making a movie of your life, who would play the parts of your family? (I am doing three different ages *teens, now and later*, you don't have to if you don't want to*
For my teens I think that Miley Cyrus would play me. She has big gums like me and she is pretty like me (wink, wink) and Zac Epron would play Branch. And it would be a musical... not just kidding, but "Branch" would sing.

And now for me now, I would have Jenna Fischer play me, Branch would be played by John Krasinksi , an Little Miss by Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
My favorite is Jim and Pam as Branch and I? Pure HEAVEN!

There is no one as cute as Little Miss but Shiloh would be ok in the part.
Finally, who would play us in our older years?
This one is hard but I am thinking that maybe Drew Barrymore would play me and Steve Carell would play Branch. Can you tell I am a fan of The Office? I think Ann Hathaway would be a perfect older Little Miss.

Perfect casting if I do say so myself. The title you ask? Extraordinarily Ordinary. I like it!
If they were making a movie of your life, who would play the parts of your family? (I am doing three different ages *teens, now and later*, you don't have to if you don't want to*
For my teens I think that Miley Cyrus would play me. She has big gums like me and she is pretty like me (wink, wink) and Zac Epron would play Branch. And it would be a musical... not just kidding, but "Branch" would sing.

And now for me now, I would have Jenna Fischer play me, Branch would be played by John Krasinksi , an Little Miss by Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
My favorite is Jim and Pam as Branch and I? Pure HEAVEN!

There is no one as cute as Little Miss but Shiloh would be ok in the part.
Finally, who would play us in our older years?
This one is hard but I am thinking that maybe Drew Barrymore would play me and Steve Carell would play Branch. Can you tell I am a fan of The Office? I think Ann Hathaway would be a perfect older Little Miss.

Perfect casting if I do say so myself. The title you ask? Extraordinarily Ordinary. I like it!
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