Sunday, January 18, 2009

Haven't done this in a while

I haven't done this in a while! It feels kind of weird!

Ok, here is what I am going to do. I a couple of days (I have a doctors appt. tomorrow)I am going to write a big long blog all about my meningitis and hospitalizations and the whole ordeal because that is what everyone wants to really know about anyway. So today is just going to be a regular old blog. By the way I am doing really good. No major head aches today. My back hurt a lot more today and I am still tired but I am doing good! So is Little Miss. She is working on her fourth tooth and so far has taken 3 steps! HOW STINKING AWESOME!

I have been trying to talk care of me lately. I am napping. Mom and mom-in-law are helping with Little Miss (especially the stinky diapers thank you!), I am trying to walk, and because I lost a lot of weight and lost my appittite in the hospital I have been trying to eat as much as I can. Another thing is trying to keep my spirits up. I realized that I haven't really cried about my situation except once and that was right before the second major hospitilazation. So I decided to go get some movies that I knew would make me cry so that I could have a good cry and feel better. I got 'My Girl' and Up 'Close And Personal'. Sometimes a girl just needs to cry. I have already watched 'My Girl' and I cried hard and I felt so good after it. It is amazing how a cry can do that!

SO I know those two movies make me cry, what movies make you cry? This is going to be a long process and I think I may need some more ideas!! PLEASE LEAVE the names of the movis that make you cry! I appreciate it!


Branch said...

The Abyss... gets me everytime (sorry, you know movies don't make me cry). I love you though and I hope you continue to improve so you can come home. LOVE!!!

Seth and Julie said...

Yay! I am so happy to see you up and blogging again.

Chloe has no teeth and has taken 0 steps! How funny are my kids? I still think it is a lot harder for a fat baby to walk but I don't know what is up with my kids and teeth.

As for movies that make me cry???? I don't like movies but Finding Forrester made me cry. I think because it was about writing and hermits and those are things I seem to relate to.

Tara said...

Emily, The Cure. Makes me bawl every time!

Tara said...

And I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY glad you're starting to feel better! I'm so glad you've got family looking after you and Maya, but know you can't wait to get back to Branch! Take good care of yourself and come home soon!

Becca said...

I'm was so happy to see you blogging again!!!! I'm glad you're getting better.

A Walk to Remember makes me cry....
While You Were Sleeping makes me laugh... and Labrinth makes me want to pull my hair out.

melissa said...

So, I think that you should forget this idea of crying movies!!! Laughter is supposed to heal. Go check out the comedy section!!!

Krystle Ricks said...

I KNOW THE BEST MOVIE THAT WILL MAKE YOU CRY! It's this independent Christian movie called "The Ultimate Gift". It is AMAZING! Some of the acting isn't the best but Barry got it for me for Christmas because I love it SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! And I SOB every single time! And if you REALLY like Chick Flicks I ALWAYS ALWAYS cry during "The Notebook" and "Charly" Remember when we saw that? hahaha! And Em, I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry that we didn't come see you on Saturday! I lost my phone at the very beginning of our trip so I had no way to contact anyone and had a zillion messages of friends who wanted to hang out and I missed it! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!! I wish i had a million dollars so I could fly to GR and come visit you and take care of Himaya! But Im SOOOOOOOOOOO glad you are feeling a little better! Good luck finding crying movies and trust me on the Ultimate gift!

Necha said...

Steal Magnolias. It always makes me cry because I have a kidney disease too! You will cry!! The Note book made me cry. My girl, but you already watched that.

Well I am SO glad you are doing better! Love ya chica!!

Amy said...

Hey Emily! I'm glad you are feeling better. The past month hasn't sounded very fun for you, and you've been in my prayers.

Most of my movie ideas have already been mentioned. Anything based on a Nicholas Sparks novel always makes me cry - A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Message in a Bottle. Those are the ones I turn to when I need to cry. :)