Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So for those of you out there who haven't heard our good news, here it is.

Branch recieved a call from Hanger and was offered a residency in SLC! He starts June 1st!

While Dallas has been great to us and we have learned a lot here and definitely grown up a lot, we are excited to be closer to our families. We are so excited for this opportunity and for everything it means to our family. So that means two more months here. Actually less than two months. Crazy!

***I am soooooooo excited!!***


Amy said...

That's so exciting for you guys! Congratulations!

Seth and Julie said...

Yay...congrats! That means we'll see you this summer.

Becca said...

We'll miss you!

Tara said...

I'm so thrilled for you! I'll miss you, too, though. We still should get together, even though, thankfully, we don't seem to need to yell and throw things anymore ;)

Meredith said...

I am SO excited for you!! It is so fun to be close to family and to be where you want to be. We will have to get together sometime when we are visiting Utah. I hope all is well with you and that you are feeling much better!

Tara said...

Tag! You win a prize. To recieve it, go to my blog and read the post "I win"

Brooke Carroll said...

YAY! Congrats to you and your family! I hope your move and everything goes very well for you...Take care, girl!

Jaclyn said...

We'll miss you but I'm so happy for you guys. How exciting!!!

Lindsay said...

I'm so happy for you guys. It's about time you receive some good news! I can actually see you more often then every two years :-) How's little Miss doing? Do you have her pics from Amanda? You'll have to check out my blog, Bay and her friends were in the Kiwanis Talent Show. They did pretty good. Love you guys!

Katie said...

Emily that is great. You'll have to give me a call when you guys get out here! Its cold but great!

Katie said...

send me your email address