Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What am I thinking right now?

Branch and I have this strange connection with each other. We don't finish each other's sentences but we often say something and the other goes "I was just going to say that!" Or "I was just thinking that!" It seriously happens 2 or 3 times a day while watching tv, in the car, at the store. It is really strange.

Well, on Saturday I was talking to him about how cool that is that we can do that. He then says "What am I thinking now?" I look at him for a second and say, "Donuts". I am not exaggerating when I say his eyes got as big as saucers and he said "No way! I was thinking of donuts! You mentioned a couple of days ago you wanted donuts and now I want donuts!"

So we got donuts and hid them in the diaper bag and went to see a movie!

I just think it is so awesome that we do have this little "connection" with each other. I doesn't always work but we are amazed at how often it does! I love him so much!

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