Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tagged and stuff

So we went to Sam's Club a couple days ago and saw that a lot of the diaper boxes had been opened and we asked an associate what they did with those boxes. Well he showed us the section were they sell marked down stuff like diaper boxes that had been opened. So we actually found a box (238 diapers) of our favorite brand (Pampers) for $30. Awesome! We got a membership so we could save money on diapers so we really liked finding this little surprise.

Branch is getting new AFOs and I got to go with him today as he tried on a test AFOs. It was really cool to see because that is what he is going to be doing soon! I could just see him doing what his Orthotist was doing. He is going to be so awesome at his job! He goes back to school on the 25th. This semester is going to be a lot easier for Branch. He has MWF 8am-Noon, all day Tues. and No school on Thursday. It is going to be so nice being able to see him home more. I think Little Miss will especially love it! This break has been so nice because we have just spent almost every second with each other and have relaxed as a family. It has been wonderful!

Here are my tag answers.

1. 10 years ago... I was 16 and driving like crazy (literally) and going to school!

2. 5 years ago.....I had just gotten engaged and was busy planning a wedding and going to WWCC.

3. 1 year ago... Just moved to Texas, started a job I hated and found out I was pregnant!

4. Yesterday... Fed Little Miss, slept, fed
Little Miss, ate, fed Little Miss, changed Little Miss, watched the Olympics, fed Little Miss, changed Little Miss, ate lunch, went walking at the mall, changed Little Miss, fed Little Miss, watched some more Olympics, fed Little Miss, at dinner, fed Little Miss, changed Little Miss,fed Little Miss, watched even more Olympics,fed Little Miss, went to sleep, fed Little Miss. Wow what a day

5. 5 favorite snacks... Dr. Pepper, cake, cinnamon toast, chocolate, gushers

5 favorite books....Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament, New Testament, Go Forward with Faith. That is such standard mormon answer right?

7. 5 favorite places to run away... Home, movie theater, drive-in movie theater, Utah, Wyoming.

8. 5 bad habits...Procrastinating, fear of things like driving, laziness, get frustrated easily, get overstimulated too I think.

9. 5 things I would never wear...Of course a bikini and very high heels (can't stand them), strapless gown, see through shirt, and truthfully a thong (GROSS!)

10. 5 things I enjoy...watching tv, watching movies, watching Maya grow and learn, spending time with Branch, spending time with family.

I tag Branch, Liz and Sarah. Just copy and paste the questions and delete my answers. I will be checking back!


Lindsay said...

It sounds like you and family are doing well. Mark and I were obsessed with finding the best diaper deal in town. I swear we were the reference point for a lot of our friends! You are a good mommy and Himaya is soo adorable!!

Tony and Ann said...

Tag what questions????