Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
24 days! 3 1/2 weeks! 576 hours! (ok...I will stop)
Hopefully less though! Oh please let it be less! 38 weeks would be great, of course, only if he is ready to come. My ribs are killing me! KILLING ME!!
I did have a non-stress test this Thursday and an ultrasound to check on if he is breech and how my fluid is. Turns out he IS head down (YEAH!!) and I have really good fluid (YEAH!!) I will be having one every week until delivery, just because of my history with Little Miss. At my regular appointment on Wednesday (36 weeks) my Dr. did say that he wasn't breech and measuring at exactly 36 weeks... and that I was 3+ dilated and 70% effaced.. Wow! I don't remember what i was when I was induced with Little Miss at 38.5 weeks but I don't think I was that far. I know that the numbers don't really mean delivery is nigh, and that I could be at that point for the rest of my pregnancy but it was awesome hearing. The only weird thing is that my braxton hicks that were so intense in my 2nd Trimester have almost gone away. I still have them but not at the consistancy and intensity that I was used to. Little Man is also moving so much. He is definitely more active than his sister. I think he might be that way when he gets here too. He especially likes to kick my right ribs...hence the constant rib pain.
Soon I hope to be posting some pictures of my baby shower that Liz and mom gave me. It was awesome and I loved having so many family and friends celebrate with us...
Hopefully less though! Oh please let it be less! 38 weeks would be great, of course, only if he is ready to come. My ribs are killing me! KILLING ME!!
I did have a non-stress test this Thursday and an ultrasound to check on if he is breech and how my fluid is. Turns out he IS head down (YEAH!!) and I have really good fluid (YEAH!!) I will be having one every week until delivery, just because of my history with Little Miss. At my regular appointment on Wednesday (36 weeks) my Dr. did say that he wasn't breech and measuring at exactly 36 weeks... and that I was 3+ dilated and 70% effaced.. Wow! I don't remember what i was when I was induced with Little Miss at 38.5 weeks but I don't think I was that far. I know that the numbers don't really mean delivery is nigh, and that I could be at that point for the rest of my pregnancy but it was awesome hearing. The only weird thing is that my braxton hicks that were so intense in my 2nd Trimester have almost gone away. I still have them but not at the consistancy and intensity that I was used to. Little Man is also moving so much. He is definitely more active than his sister. I think he might be that way when he gets here too. He especially likes to kick my right ribs...hence the constant rib pain.
Soon I hope to be posting some pictures of my baby shower that Liz and mom gave me. It was awesome and I loved having so many family and friends celebrate with us...
On a side note Branch is in Florida, until tonight anyway. He was presenting a paper he wrote on functional limb stimulation... He was nervous but I hear he did great. I am just so proud of him. His first ever professional presentation in his chosen field. HOW COOL IS THAT? I know that with him there will be many more opportunities like this. I'm so thankful that he is able to work in the field that he loves, doing the work that he loves and the he can provide for our family. We are so blessed. He did tell Little Man not to come will he was away. Thank goodness he listened.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What were we thinking?!!
I am five weeks away from having my second child, and while I have moments of peace about this most of the time I am keep asking myself "How am I going to do this?! What were we thinking?!"
A year ago we thought we were ready, finally, to have another child. I was super excited. I just knew Little Miss would be a great big sister. I thought I could do it with two children. Branch is such a great dad already. Now? Well, I still know Little Miss is going to be a great big sister and Branch IS a great dad, but now I am thinking...I don't think I can do this....
Then...well you should have seen me when I saw the positive pregnancy test. I freaked out. I thought I was going to be excited, but instead I was curled on my bed thinking "oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh!" Branch was such a support. His first text to me after I told him was I love you three! That made me feel better. He has been super supportive of me.
I know I am just freaking myself out. I know I can do this. I know I can. I will just have to take it one day at a time. Breathe. Ask for help. Pray a lot. Rely on Branch. I am good.
I have also been trying to enjoy every moment I have with Little Miss. I know our one-on-one time will drastically change once Little Man is here. I think I am doing ok with that. I have been "nesting" lately and she has been such a big help in that department. I am so lucky to have a daughter that loves to scrub the floors!
Did any of you mommies have these feelings before your 2nd child was born. How did you deal?
I am five weeks away from having my second child, and while I have moments of peace about this most of the time I am keep asking myself "How am I going to do this?! What were we thinking?!"
A year ago we thought we were ready, finally, to have another child. I was super excited. I just knew Little Miss would be a great big sister. I thought I could do it with two children. Branch is such a great dad already. Now? Well, I still know Little Miss is going to be a great big sister and Branch IS a great dad, but now I am thinking...I don't think I can do this....
Then...well you should have seen me when I saw the positive pregnancy test. I freaked out. I thought I was going to be excited, but instead I was curled on my bed thinking "oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh!" Branch was such a support. His first text to me after I told him was I love you three! That made me feel better. He has been super supportive of me.
I know I am just freaking myself out. I know I can do this. I know I can. I will just have to take it one day at a time. Breathe. Ask for help. Pray a lot. Rely on Branch. I am good.
I have also been trying to enjoy every moment I have with Little Miss. I know our one-on-one time will drastically change once Little Man is here. I think I am doing ok with that. I have been "nesting" lately and she has been such a big help in that department. I am so lucky to have a daughter that loves to scrub the floors!
Did any of you mommies have these feelings before your 2nd child was born. How did you deal?
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