Little Miss loves skeletons. Kind of weird but she does. This is her chest x-ray. Cool huh?
So, Little Miss has had a hard time the last month or so.
First the week before Christmas she had trouble breathing and after a late night run to Instacare, and her first x-ray she was diagnosed with viral pneumonia. Unfortunately there was nothing to be done to help her. Then the first week of January she was diagnosed with Bacterial pneumonia. She started two weeks of antibiotics. The doctor told me she was really lucky I took her in early because if we had waited even a day it could have been really bad.
So, two days after stopping her antibiotics when she started acting like she did both times with her pneumonia I got her in right away. She has a weird little laugh because she can't breathe well, along with the labored breathing and a temperature at night and a TON of sad sounding coughing. The doctor listened to her breathing and ordered a chest x-ray. Which she hated getting. Grandpa Bob came with us because our red car is dying (another story) and even he couldn't get her to calm down!
The doctor thought she might have swallowed something that was stuck in the lungs causing all of this, but it turns out she didn't swallow anything or have pneumonia. She has bronicilits and peribroncial cuffing. The doctor explained it to me and Branch explained it to me after he called the doctor, and will I still don't completely understand it, it simple terms she still has a little bit of a virus in her lungs, they are still inflamed, and for the rest of winter she will probably have a hard time breathing anytime the air is bad or she gets a cold. Great. Super great. If you look in the middle of the chest close to the spine, on the left side, you can see little white specks. That is it. This is causing all of this.
She had a nebulizer treatment at the doctors office too. Which she hated more than the x-rays. I had to hold her down with my legs and her arms pined behind her back and the nurse had to hold the mask to her face. She screamed the whole time. She did say that with the crying she was getting more medicine because she was taking deeper breathes. It really helped her breathing after she was done. We are going to be watching her for the rest, and if she gets bad we are going to have to give her more breathing treatments. Poor girl. After the treatment she was shaking so bad and so tired, but because it is a steroid it does that. Again poor girl.
I am just so thankful first for the father's blessing Branch gave her that morning. I am so thankful for the priesthood in my home. I am also thankful for doctors and nurses and x-ray techs that helped find out what is going one. Thank you all! Hopefully, now that we know can help her stay more healthy and hopefully she will be better once winter is done! PLEASE OH PLEASE!!