Monday, December 8, 2008

O Tannenbaum

Since we are going home for Christmas and because I am afraid of putting a tree in a room with Little Miss, we decided that for our Christmas tree we were going to get creative.

So we got some green wrapping paper and a snowflake ornament and a blank wall and


We made some decorations, we strung some popcorn strings and wrapped some "presents" to put under the tree.

We love our Christmas tree! It is almost as good as our Charlie Brown Christmas tree the first year we were married.


Tony and Ann said...

guess you guys will be banished to the basement cause we have a tree up! We'll just have to keep an eye on her.

Amy said...

That's a good idea! lol. We have a tree that is only 4 feet tall. We usually put it up on a table, and this year I had to put some barricades around it so that Parker can't get to it and knock it down. :)

Sarah E. said...

Cute tree! This is the first year we got to decorate the bottom half of the tree! See ya in a week!

Seth and Julie said...

That is what we did on my mission. On each one of our paper lights we put the name of someone we were trying to teach or fellowship. On each of our paper ornaments we put the name of someone we were already teaching. That was probably my favorite Christmas tree ever.

Lindsay said...

I love your tree! When are you coming to Rock Springs? Make sure you call me so I can meet up with you. I can not wait to see your beautiful Little Miss again.