I know you're probably not to interested in birth stories but I love hearing what other people go through when they deliver, so here it is:
I was supposed to be induced Wednesday, sometime. It was all planned. Mom and my mom-in-law Becky took time off of work and came here to be with us in the delivery room. We found out late Tuesday that I was sixth in line for inductions. We thought "Ok so not a morning induction, maybe after 2 sometime". They did say that if I hadn't recieved a call by 11 to call and find out what is going on. So I did.
"I'm sorry, but we are going to have to bump you...to Friday."
I was devastated to say the least. I really wanted to hold my son in my arms. I really didn't want my ribs to hurt anymore. I really felt bad for everyone else who was so excited for us and would now have to wait and take more time off of work.
So we went shopping, and eating, and having fun for two days. Little Miss was so spoiled. Thursday we celebrated her 3rd birthday at a fun place around here called Jungle Jim's. She had a lot of people come celebrate with her, which was good because we did end up being in the hospital on her birthday.
Finally Friday came around. I woke up at 6:30 and just knew I wasn't going to be induced so I was trying to mentally prepare myself for that. Then the phone rang. They asked two simple questions.
"Are you ready to have a baby?" and "How fast can you get here?".
OH MY GOSH IT IS HAPPENING! I woke up Branch, called parents, texted family members and we hoped in the car and headed the 5 minutes to the hospital. In the car I told Branch something that I said every time I felt a little overwhelmed during this pregnancy
I don' think I am ready for this?!"and he said the same thing he said every time I said that...
"I'm getting sick of you saying that! You're going to be a great mother of 2!!"Wow, what a wonderfully sensitive husband I have. Thanks for those words of encouragement! We walked into the hospital and checked in and walked into Labor and Delivery as a family of three.

They hooked me up the machine, and started the antibiotics that I needed to take four hours before I delivered because I was positive for Group B Strep. They started the pitocin and...we waited. Becky finished Mr. Mans quilt, Branch downloaded a free book app on his phone and then started reading, as did my mom. What did I do while I was in labor? I checked facebook, blogged, peed, and had my hair done!

The pitocin was making me have more contractions, but not more intense contractions. I even thought I might be able to do this unmedicated! But I decided to get the epideral because the anistecialogist was going into a c-section and would be unavailable for a while so I might not get it if I didn't get it then. Finally my doctor, Dr. Hebert showed up. She broke my water and BAM! the contractions when from very mild to HELP ME! GIVE ME DRUGS!!

They did have to give me two doses of the good stuff because I was still feeling a very sharp and painful pain every contraction, which were coming on one on top of each other. In a very short hour I went from a 4 to 10cm and I was ready to go!
Now when I had Little Miss I was started induced slowly because I had to have a version to turn her breech body. I also didn't push well being a first time mom who didn't know what she was doing. This time, even though I couldn't feel anything down there, was able to push really well. I swear I felt him moving as I pushed. I felt really good about how I was pushing. I was funny though that the moms who were at my head kept pushing and holding their breath with me. I only pushed for 2o minutes and he was here! They put him on my chest and all I could think through the tears was "Oh my gosh he looks just like his sister!!" They took him and did all the measurements. He was 7lbs 11 ounces ( a full 1lb 10 oz bigger than Little Miss) and 21.5 inches long and just perfect! They then put him on my chest skin to skin. Again something I wasn't able to do with his sister but something I absolutely loved about his birth.

Little Miss was able to come in a little later. She had a look of bewilderment on her face. She understood that there was a baby in mommy's belly but now that he was actually her I think it was a little to much.

All in all it was a wonderful birth experience for us. I am so in love with this little boy. He melts my heart. I am so happy to be his mother. I love you!!